Epic Toad's journal

Be creative. Be inspired. Make art. I joined Hatena Blog on Feb. 20, 2013.

Update: Rapier Vs Sky Rocket

Yep. I have been working on this since... like... A little while after MADSKILLZ made that fight w/ the BGM And the Hero will Drown. I have been working on it for five months, so expect it soon. It will probably be out by April 10th. If you want to see my first flip with Rapier in it I'll give you a link in a minute. It only got about 1700 stars, but I thought it was pretty good. Considering how many stars alot of the lame fights in the Most Popular  get, I expected at least 2500. Meh... Nothing I could do about it. That doesn't matter now, though. I expect this one to get at least 5000 stars. I would be elated if it got that.



There's the link.

Collaboration Three (コラボレーション3)

Somewhere in November or December, my first collaboration was started. About 3 weeks after Christmas, the collaboration was completed.

I was overjoyed that my first collaboration had been completed. I had gotten so overjoyed, I ended up starting another collaboration. The first part got completed easily. But trouble came at the second person's part. Nothing 250 was too busy for any collaborations, and I was unable to find another person to take his place.

 Even though the past trouble had blocked the collaboration out, I was too determined to give up. So I organized this collaboration, and I hope it gets finished. The song used for the collaboration will be posted on the finished product.


Japanese entry:

日または日のどこかで、私の初のコラボレーションが開始されました。 約3週間クリスマスの後に、コラボレーションが完了しました。 私は私の初のコラボレーションが完了していたて大喜びしました。 私は大喜び、私は別のコラボレーションを開始する終了したしました。 最初の部分は簡単に完了しました。 が、問題は、別の人の一部で出てきた。 250何も、コラボレーションのがビジー状態になっていた、と私は彼に別の人を見つけることができませんでした。

Daily Blog #3 / The Circus

Went to the circus; It was awesome! The Ringling Bros & Barnum and Bailey. Thre was a tiger tamer, he called up the tigers one by one and made them do tricks.

There was the National Anthem, where 6 elephants walked around the ring, wearing a star-spangled banner. XD

The unicycle bastketball players who shot hoops from da unicycles, blue beat red by two points.

Then the elephant show, seven elephants did tricks, and one even stood on a beach ball!

The acrobats, did trapese tricks, went 20 feet in the air, and danced on little metal spirals.

My personal fave, the high wire. Too much to describe.

And someone got shot out of a cannon!

