
I thought your role was to support me not judge me and insult me. Whom am I to criticize how you fill your role? We both didn't go to school for this... Perhaps you're right. Maybe I'm your fuck up as you claim. I'm sorry I'm not the way you hoped me to be. So just don't mind me I'll just stay out of your sights... 

A message to maymay

;-; maymay I don't wanna go visit relatives cause there's no use of me sitting there watching my elders do their things... Relatives my age are busy with their lovers and the little ones are busy being kids. I stay home and play games not so much cause I enjoy them... But because it takes me away from the constant anger in my houses atmosphere... My brothers are constantly fighting over everything and of course I have to be the one that has to shush them up every time. My mom is constantly yelling at me for not doing what was suppose to be my brother s chore... She yells at me never appreciating the stuff I do... And my dad... He seems to take everything away... I have no privacy what so ever. My internet access is limited so I don't have time to do hwk.... Whenever he ask me something I might as well say I don't know for he always wants to get his way.

January 11 2015

I approached my family as I came from the kitchen. Julian was sitting on the couch talking about who knows what to my parents. I heard Diego's voice begin to talk but Julian quickly scream "YA CALLATE DIEGO!" The room got quiet. This... This hasn't been the first time Julian told Diego that...
I glanced over at my parents... Perhaps hoping them to say something... Anything really. From that moment in time I snapped... All I could remember was the silence that followed what seemed to be a powerful yell emitting from my vocal chords. 

I don't know why I snapped... Maybe because seeing my sweet little brother (whom I see my young self in) get told constantly to shut up just as people did when I was small caused my sudden rage. People constantly shut the dancing playful social little me down and soon enough it sank in. I don't want that to happen to him. I know I can't protect my little brother from everything, I dearly wish I could, but I would not tolerate these kinds of things...


Damn... So long

Well not much has happened anyway...


The new principal knew my name since the first day of school so I'm off to a bad start aren't I?

Soon enough I'm going to be working and pretty occupied YAY!!!! If you haven't figured out yet I'm being sarcastic....


Wonder what happend to my two online friends... They stopped talking to me D: 

June 3 2013

I hate my personality... I never really actuallly talked to the girl I have a crush on... Today might be the last day I ever see her again... /.\


Anyways I will start making a angry birds pinata for my bro since its what... 2 months away.

Wait... Darn this is my birthmonth. I hate it! 

1) I'm getting old

2) Don't like presents at all

3) Everyone expects you to be happy


Am I the only one who thinks like this??? I seem to repeat this question over and over agian... seems like everyone actually enjoys them... oh well thats what I get for being the odd ball

First Blog of My Life

So Not so sure how this "blogging" works. Most of Hatena is in Japanese or whatever language it is so I'll try my best. I have many social acoounts but I never really used them. I guess I am afraid of what people might think of me. So any ways I am going to make an exeption. Why? I have no darn clue why. I never no why I do stuff until I realize it later...


Soo... Goodbye whoever stranger or stalker is reading this