
I'm still learning, let's improve together!

The return of JZ!

Long time no post huh?

I'm hoping to be posting here again as I continue to learn to draw, I also plan on talking about mangas I'm reading, anime I'm watching and other things like that. But it will be mostly art orientaited still so don't worry.

Below is a doodle in my sketchbok, which I may do a review of, of myself and a friend who is an art YouTuber as if we were students in an anime. Here's her YouTube, check her out, she's new to art and is improving quickly plus she's just adorable in general so totally worth checking out! 




10/100 days of Improvement

10% done! I'm still really sick so focusing on my cintiq screen is making my head spin so just half an hour today, again I'm working slow because I'm really unwell at the moment. I did a chibi version of one of my OC's, he's a dragon and I redesigned his clothes.
