Rendora Vs. Shadowknight

Battle to prevent the resurrection of Segalla (Before war, on Weapon Supply Train at Rendora Base:Morning) -Rendora attacks first, swiftly striking his sword but Shadowknight dodges all of them -Rendorians attempt to shoot him with machine guns but he also dodges them -Giant bazooka follows Shadowknight, he jumps very high, the bazooka shoots missles all around to hit him in all spots. -Rendora appears above him and attempts to strike him down -Shadowknight blocks his attack with a sword and uses an energy blast to destroy the missles -Rendora orders his men to attack the left side of his body, where his sword is -Rendora runs to attack his side, he shoots another energy blast but Rendora dodges it -Shadow Lurkers appear to attack Rendora, he kills them easily -Shadowknight kills the soldiers in his way and continues to clash with Rendora -Meanwhile Eve and Vil inside the train create Choten clones with a machine -They attack everyone, but are overall weaker than the Rendorians -Rendora ignores them as he still fights with Shadowknight -A Rendorian Soldier finds the Cloning Machine and destroys it -Shadowknight clones come out of it and they kill him -The clones kill lots of soldiers, who are no match for them -Rendora finds a way to kill them, they never dodge and only attack quickly so don't block their attacks, just attack before they do -After a while, the clones are defeated but hundreds of Shadow Lurkers invade (Afternoon) -The soldiers fight the Shadow Lurkers while Rendora fights Shadowknight -Rendora finally hits him but Shadow Lurkers heal his wound -Rendora gets serious and fights faster -Shadowknight still not serious, but isn't dodging well -Shadowknight stabs Rendora in his sides, Rendora breaks his sword with his metal arm -Shadowknight steals Rendora's sword and attacks -Rendora dodges and takes 10 swords from dead soldiers -Rendora Juggles them while attacking, but they break due to the power of Rendora's sword with Shadowknights power -As one of the blades broke, a Rendorian Soldier grabs it and stabs Shadowknight from behind,who then turns around to kill him -Rendora takes the other broken blades and stabs him with them -The blades had bombs on them, which then exploded on him -All the Shadow Lurkers sacrificed themselves to protect Shadowknight -The entire army shoots all their weapons at Shadowknight -He uses a barrier to block them all -Rendora uses his fake special eye to break the barrier, then the bullets and missles all hit him -Shadowknight is conscious again and deflects the bullets with his sword -Rendora sacrifices his metal hand and makes it explode on his sword so he can't use it -Shadowknight trades his energy blast technique for a very strong and fast sword -Rendora explodes the floor under him and makes him fall into the train's bomb supply -Some soldiers sacrifice themselves to keep him in there and that area of the train explodes -He somehow escapes but Rendora had developed a new special eye under his fake one and then uses it to kill him -Shadowknight revives himself and attacks Rendora by surprise -Rendora is given a very weak sword by one of his men -Shadowknight and Rendora fight while Rendora waits for an opening -After a while, Rendora sacrifices his left arm to stab Shadowknight -He also put a bomb on the handle and exploded it on him -Rendora had developed a new special eye after both his right and left one were used. -He uses it to kill Shadowknight again, but he revives again -Rendora figures out the secret to beating him but realizes he turned blind from using his new special eye -The soldiers fight hard to protect their leader, but couldn't win against him -Rendora launches his metal left arm at him and attacks with a blade in his mouth -Shadowknight cuts Rendora and reveals that there is bomb under his coat -Rendora explodes him self on Shadowknight killing him again, but himself in the process -Shadowknight is revived again and kills all the soldiers in his way, but the soldiers were able to get him to be very wounded again -One soldier lives and finds a note with a barrier around it: "Shadowknight has 7 lives, taking a quarter from each of his companions. Each life gets stronger and stronger. He is probably at the point of dying again but do not kill him. Run to Conderu and explain to him this message, there are only 4 lives left, but even that would be a number too big for us."-Rendora -Shadowknight sees the soldier, but he uses the barrier on the note to protect himself. The notes gets ripped apart but the soldier successfully fled the area, memorizing what his mission was -Shadowknight finds the Segalla Doll and uses his remaining 4th life to revive Segalla once more -They leave back to their base, ready for the true war.

Quotes for Shadow's Reflection

Season 1:


"I don't need proof that we're friends, just proof if we're not"-Owen to Shad


Season 2:


"Hey, at least give me a weapon before we leave."-Shad to Captain

"Nah, you're just being my meat shield anyways."-Captain to Shad


"Great, let's go"-Captain to Shad


Season 3:


"Everyone comes from small things that come from bigger things. I come from tiny bits of snow, which comes from the endless sky."-Snowy


"I will do anything for you guys. No matter how much I'm hurt and no matter how much it kills me, I'll do anything."-Kaitlyn to Shad                                                                                                             "Please, if you're going to hurt yourself for us, let us heal your pain. But if it's a pain that will never go away then share it with us. You should know that we share a word together. That means when you're sad, I'll cry with you. When you're happy,I'll laugh with you. You may never heal that pain, but at least you won't be alone"-Shad to Kaitlyn


Season 4:


"Why should I care for my people, they're weak and die all the time. So what? I have the power to replace them. If I wanted to, I could just create nothing at all"-Lefara

"Of all the Elemental Lords out there, you're the most retarded."-Shad to Lefara


Season 5:


"Seems you defeated the evil who killed my dad."-Owen to Shad

"And you killed the evil who killed my mom, the evil I always wanted to destroy."-Shad to Owen

"Thank you."-Shad and Owen simultaneously


Season 6:


"I don't care what everyone else needs.I'm following my own dreams!"-Zakimaru

"Great. Just don't forget to try walking in my shoes."-Shad to Zakmiaru

"Why would I do that? They're too small and my feet would hurt."-Zakimaru to Shad


"...You want me to hurt my feet?"-Zakimaru to Shad

"What? NO! I want you to understand other peoples pain before chasing your dreams! How long have you been on this island anyways."-Shad to Zakimaru

"Uhhh... I forgot to count."-Zakimaru


Season 7:


"This isn't going to be like the Silent War. Everyone's going to be involved and this'll create history. But remember, we're not fighting to kill our enemies, we're fighting to protect the future.Also remember this, I'm old so if you dare start another war I won't be able to help you.Instead I'll kill you for your stupidity"-Conderu


Season 8:

 "All right men, this is the battlefield. Anyone who is unconfident or has any medical problems should turn back now. But most importanly, anyone still here on the battlefield,MUST NOT DIE!"-Corborah(Barum)


 "I'm not smiling because we won the war.I'm smiling becasue I've gone crazy"-Shad


Season 9:


"WHY!? HOW!? HOW DO ALL OF YOU LIVE AFTER ALL THAT! "-Darkovian Mastermind

"YOU HAVE NO LEGS TO FEEL THE EARTH!"-Darkovain Mastermind to Owen

"YOU SAW YOUR DAD DIE RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!"-Darkovain Mastermind to Kaitlyn

"YOU WERE ABANDONNED FROM YOUR PEOPLE!"-Darkovian Mastermind to Captain

"YOU THREE AREN'T EVEN REAL!"-Darkovain Mastermind to Tsaeb,Choten and Corborah


"Wow. You guys do suck. But you know what, if I was too embarrased to hang around them then I might as well have no friends at all"-Shad


"We know you too well Shad, that you'll never be good enough to take the seat of Ruler of the World. That is why we will protect you, even if it means defying the world itself! Now Shad, while the entire world fights for you, think now... WHAT WILL YOU DO TO SAVE THIS WORLD TODAY, AND TOMORROW. WHAT WILL YOU DO TO SAVE EVERYONE HERE!"-Choten


Death Quotes:



"Kaitlyn, you're hurt... you're ugly when you're hurt... I only want to see you're beautiful face... on... the... inside..."-Dahs


"I'm hungry... but my apetite is gone. Thanks for the final meal but that wasn't what I was looking forward to. I am filled, and so I can rest"-Soul Taker


"Sis... I'm sorry... but, our life is no longer mine or yours... it belongs to someone who will use it properly. Not for themselves, but for, for everyone."-Vil


"Guaaaaaahhhh!!!"-Shadowknight (nothing special)


"I'm done. No more life nor death. I've had enough..."-Segalla


* "Heh heh... who knew I'd die while looking at someone just as low as me...A nameless fool who lost everything..."-Darkovian Mastermind

"I haven't lost everything. What I have left is all I need, even if I lose part of that, I'll still live on"-Captain

"...then I'll be the lowest.I guess, I'll always be your opposite"-Darkovain Mastermind

"The thing about opposites is that they are simlar in where they are different"-Captain

"No...I don't need to be that high up. I'm fine where I am now"-Darkovian Mastermind

"Name me"-Captain

"?"-Darkovian Mastermind

"I'll give you this one chance to be happy, to be satisfied at where you are now. If you name me, you'll be higher than where I stand now"-Captain

"...ha...ha ha... alright... then it shall be... Merciful"-Darkovain Mastermind

"I'll keep it. Thank you...Friend."-Merciful(Captain)

"Teh...I'd prefer a better name, but I'm happy with what I have..."-Friend(Darkovain Mastermind)



"Yeah. You're suppose to be my mom. But you lost that spot right when you wanted to become higher. Now you are nothing"-Kaitlyn


"Alright m..."-Kaitlyn


"...After all that you did...only if you give me 3 words we should share"-Kaitlyn


"Then you are no longer my mom"-Kaitlyn

"(Kaitlyn, I love you my child...Thank you.)"-Krystina



"Remember this, I love you... my Daughter"-Conderu to Kaitlyn


"People need leaders. Whether it's someone they need to look up at, or someone they need a guide from. That is why, even when their leader is gone, he'll still be looked up at. That is true leadership."-Rendora


"Now this isn't what I wanted. I pictured an end where I'll be back to back with my wife, while sharing the same grave...But not everyone gets happy endings. Then, I'll give my trust to my  sons, both of them. They'll give me that happy end..."-Vezok