Petition for needed character in smash

 We need your help, Hatena! Sakurai has declared war! He's invaded the Nintendo System and is trying to take over Super Smash Bros! Our army alone can't do the job!


Greetings people of Hatena

I require your assistance; Nintendo has seemed to have made an error in their latest issue of Super Smash Bros. Bob the builder was not included in the roster for the game and he has yet to be announced as DLC. This is an error that can easily be fixed, I just require a simple signature on the petition to help Masahiro Sakurai realize the game will do much better in sales if they promise to add Bob the Builder as DLC and their decision so far not to add him could be detrimental to not only the life of the Wii U but even Nintendo itself.

So if you all could please, even if you are not a fan of Nintendo or the Super Smash Bros series, I urge you to please sign the petition. The fans, Sakurai, and Nintendo are counting on you.

Put Bob the builder in Smash ·