ill + new MV's + Birthdays + Channel XD



i'm ill *Sad music* i've got a headache, a cough and a sore throat. But i've got good new too!  2 new MV's posted finally (you monster-portal 2 + Candy- Robbie williams). I've also got some more comming up, including a MV collab with Heartfire AND a animated chain (Chu lucky little pickles XD)!

Candy .w.


Also, happy birthday to Flamez, mar and Chyoko! Who's bdays are comming up (or have past, sorry flamez  >w<) working on your bday flip now Chyeh! (dat's ur new name :P)

It's also mah schoolmate's Bday on the 11th and one of mah besties on the 12th :D

also, i got mah own offical channel, 'BeAt's channel' .U. !!!!!!!!

me thinks thats all.

Peace off!

*throws self off chair*


*little jingle at the end, you know the doo,doo do,da,doo,do,doo subscribe! one?*





Flood Runner!


Play this game!!!

(It's actually flood runner 4)

It's the 4th in the BEST SERIES OF GAME EVER.

If you don't play it, i will eat you.

I'm OBSESSED with it ;D it's great and amazing and awsome and... platformy?

Tell me your highscore in the comments! 

(mines 10423!) 


Bleh. Good morning?

Good morning everyone.

Got my  3 stars on hatena this morning, bought the WRONG background. And yeah. Things *are going great  .___.  



*That was sarcasm XD


Right, time for school.*What fun.

*More sarcasm .w.

 Oh, and also, Ask me anything!!!





Feast parade + stuff about me + small children?!

>A< I'm playing recorder at a local parade on monday, but i still don't know the tune!!!! I'm so nervous i'll explode! Anway, Today, one of my best friends Lucifer came into school with a black eye. I asked him how he got it, apparently small children (like, 3-4 year olds?) beat him up! I found it hilarious, but according to my teacher 'it's rude to laugh at injury' bleh, hate Ms. Mandy anway XD (yuss, that is her name). so, here's a bit about me, considering i forgot it in my last entry!


Name: Isla Grace -not putting last name >:U-

Age: 10 

Gender: Female 

Place of birth: Cornwall.

Favourite colour: Cyan

Lucky numbers: 90, 81, 171

Pets: Goldfish -Edd-

Likes: Flipnote hatena, The yogscast, Cola Cubes

Dislikes: False reporters, cabbage, Munchgamer

I think that's all for nao


P.S parents, plz keep your savage children under control. thankyou XD

peace off
