My proposal for controlling guns.


I think that the law for guns has too many loops hole and people take advantange of this.

I don't think guns should be banned from poeples life all together .

Let's face it, there will always be some one with an illigal gun and you will have to defend yourself.

What i think  what the prsident has to do is 

enforce the law that's already there and mit very hard for a normal person to have more than one gun at the time and if this person wants a new gun this person should turn in their already existing one.

I mean thae have the technology to follow a person in outer space

why can they keep track of how many guns a person can purchace

so my thing is

If you by a gun in (let's say Alaska) then you move to Florida

if by any chance you want a new gun 

they should be able to enter your social security and be able to see that you already own a gun and be denie the chance to by another one.

Why can they do that?   I mean a person only need one wepon to deffend themself

any more and it becomes a collection or worst.

Any opinions on this will be greatly appreciated

Thank you






raton jr

Dooms day aproaches

They say all good things must come to an end and boy are they right!!!!!!

(who ever the heck they are!!!!!!!!)  .V.

May 31, 2013.  is dooms day for hatena.  Well it was a good run.  Lots of you guys wish you could do something to save this place, but let's face it none of us have anything to say or have the power to change the mind of a tirrant that's Hatena Head Quaters.  They don't care what a bunch of brats have to say.  All they see is an end to all the complaining and false reporting and mindless behavior that has gone too far for too long.  So hatena took this opportunity to give all what you most despretelly wanted...........









So you know what they say.....

"Becareful what you wish for you might just get it,  then you won't be happy"


So put a sock in it and move on.  

There's nobody listening or paying attention to what none of you are saying or want.

We are kids therefore we have nothing good to say and apparently we can't do anything right.

so say good bye now before you miss the chance.


With love your friendly neighboor hood lock up crazy dude.

to many of the ones who knows me I say........



Enjoy your freedom, behave, have safe fun for the summer.

We will not meet again





                                                                    Raton jr.


the split mind

Split a person. In two and you have double trouble to deal with.

this is a piece of my story.

It all started when I was five. I went to sleep and I sleep for a long time.

when I woke up I found myself in a place with a lot of people.

my mom was holding me very closely and I notice she was crying.

I looked at her face and she smile at me. A sad smile she gave me and said

-you'll be find don't worry. I'll never leave you here by yourself -

then a guy in white clothes came in and asked my mom to step outside

she refuse to so he told her

-I don't think your son needs to hear what I have to tell you-

And she said to him -is ok is better if he knows-

Then the gay sat down and started talking to my mom

I couldn't understand what he was trying to say. He said something like this.

-we spend some time with your son and came to find out that he has a split personality -

I remember thinking "spit personality. I didn't spit om anybody -

I came closer to them and asked. -am I in trouble -

-no darling -

said my mom.

-this is something that you can't control and you will have to learn to deal with it -

the guy told me

I said ok and went back to watch Tv.

my put on a brave face and they kept talking. I didn't here anything else after that.

this part of me has been dormant for quiet sometime, but lately as I am a bit isolate from everyone

this part of me started to come out. Bringing trouble my way. Causing mayhem and even making me

Loose a bit of who I am.


Asylum a place that (at least in the state I live on) don't exist, but there's still places for people like me that can't get a grasp on reality.

It's been a littler less than three month that I was check into the psy-ward for having no control over my mind and body.

sleep walking became so dangerous that my family have to put bars on the windows of my bedroom for fear I would take a tumble. I'm currently lock up on a well supervise place where I'm watch over constantly and not alound to do much out side the confinement of my room.

My body is numb to the point that I can't feel no pain at all. I constantly space out and if I'm not in restrain I tend to start walking up something. So I spend most of my day with one arm tight to something.

And why am I writing this.

Because I have nothing else to do or write about.



or ill bite you.
