念佛三昧-Line Bot

念佛三昧 Line Bot





  There are 800 million buddhists in Taiwan, lots of them recite buddhist sutra as a routine everyday. Buddhist believe through reciting buddhist sutra can generate some power which makes our spirit more pure and clear, also bless our family and make these world better, so reciting sutras is very important for every buddhist.


  In Taiwan, the most popular buddhist sutra is "大悲咒".  Lots of buddhists recite "大悲咒" everyday.  They usually set a goal for reciting "大悲咒", like reciting 14 or 21 times eveyday. In addition to "大悲咒",  "般若波羅蜜多心經" and "阿彌陀佛" also popular with buddhists in Taiwan. After reciting these sutras everyday, some people record the reciting times on paper, when they check the record paper, they will know how many reciting times has been done, this gives a sense of achievement,  and ensure they can keep reciting everyday.


  There is a tradition in Taiwan, taiwaness burn the paper called "paper money" for acestors or ghost, taiwaness believe through fire, acestors or ghost can get the money and live more happily in another world. Therefore, some buddhists burn the record papers of sutra reciting times, and pray for the power which generated from reciting can help all the life could be far from pain.  


  念佛三昧 helps buddhist record the times fo reciting sutra everyday, users can check the records anytime, and get excel report from 念佛三昧. It's very simple to use, even old men could use it.

  Furthermore,  念佛三昧 also provide the information of buddhist events in Taiwan, and remind users at Ten-Meatless Day, (Ten-Meatless Day: 10 days in month which prohibits eating meat.). The use guide is below.



System Architecture

  念佛三昧 uses Azure as platform, the web server uses Tomcat 7. The excel files are stored on Azure Storage, and uses Azure DocumentDB as database. Please see the picture below.


  The user sends request message from chat room, then LINE Message API trasfers the request message to web server(Tomcat Server), the server takes data from Azure DocumentDB and responses it to LINE Message API, finally the Message API replies to user. If the user chooses the excel report, the web server generates the excel file and storage it on Azure Storage, when excel file stored, web server repies the file's url to user.






念佛三昧-How To Use


 Welcom to use the chat bot "念佛三昧", it help you to record the times of buddist sutra reciting, and also let you review the report of records. 


一、新增經文或咒語(Add Sutra)

先按下選單上的[經文/Add]按鈕,按下後系統會出現請您新增每天會念誦的經文或咒語,然後在聊天室輸入欄內輸入經文或咒語名稱並送出就可以了, 例如大悲咒,金剛經。

Click the [Add] Button on the Menu, then the chat bot will ask you to input the buddahist sutra which you recite everyday. Just input the sutra name in the text box and send.



 二、紀錄念誦經文的次數 (Record the times of sutra reciting)


After adding the sutra name, you can record the times of sutra reciting. Click the "Record" button on the menu, and chat bot will show your sutra list which you added before, then choose the sutra you want to record. 


點選大悲咒之後,系統會要求您輸入您念誦大悲咒的次數,如果您是要記錄本日的念誦次數,則直接輸入次數即可,若是要紀錄其他日子所念誦的次數,只需要在次數前面加上日期,例如您在2/15日念了108遍大悲咒,輸入框內就輸入2/15 108(注意2/15跟108中間有一個空格),輸入完後系統會回覆記錄完成。

After choosing the sutra, chat bot will ask you to input the reciting times of sutra, if you want to assign the date of the record, just input the date before the times. For example, if you recite the sutra for 108 times at 2/15,  just input "2/15 108" int the text box .





三、報表查詢(View the report of records)

 除了紀錄次數外,您還可以利用報表功能查看某一時間區間所各經文所念誦的次數,首先點選Menu上的[ 報表/Report]按鈕,

Besides recording the reciting times of sutra, you can also review the report of your records. Click the [Report] button on the Menu.



And choose the format and time period,

the bot will generate the report of which format and period you assigned.



四、活動查詢(Buddist event information)


You can also check the information of buddist events in north taiwan, central taiwan or south taiwan. Click the [Events] button on the Menu,  chat bot will show you the events' information.

