froko1234's blog

Um, so... I'm Hatenian, from the dead Flipnote Hatena. I'm new to Hatena Blog, so please subscribe & comment. Thanks!

Hatenian is Starting To Blog!

 Um... Hello, my wonderful new readers! This is my first blogging entry, and I want to use this to let you guys keep track of what I've done. So, here goes!


Hi guys, I just got back from a week in the mountains at a camp called "Sky Ranch"! Through the week, I did things like hiking, low ropes (ground strategy and team bonding), high ropes (same as low ropes, but up high... kind of), and I also learned about the Exodus story in the Bible. Also, they have great food and ice cream there. Sadly, you only stay up for a week.


                                                    Um... Comments are appriciated!