
Hey guys I’m taking an online class for biology and learning about 1st law which is known as the conservation law rn. 

The law states that energy can’t be created or destroyed, so it’s always transformed from one form to another, and the total amount of energy in the universe remains constant. 


As learning this, I thought of life. Yes I’m weird, but I thought of babies given birth at some places in the world while people are dying. 

If the law applies to this, there must be PAST LIFE and AFTER LIFE. Because the law states that amount of energy stay the same and the energy is always transformed, when people die, babies would born. 


I imagined that there’s a wait list in heaven, and people are making a long ass line to be chosen for after life and start living their life again. They are probably the ones who were good in their past lives. I guess I won’t be in the wait list lol


Ok that was just a random thought but ya:)


blog or vlog?


みんな 海外の人のブログをみてるときさ、blog と vlog の違いってなんだろ?とか思ったことない? 

あ、ない? ごめん笑




Blog は、このブログみたいに文字が並んだ記事を意味し、vlog は YouTubeなどに載せる動画のブログ。。。(video blogs =vlog)


めっちゃ納得! 今までずっと疑問に思ってた自分があほらしい🤪🤣 


ってことでまた今度:) byeeee




Hi it's me HANA! 

From today, 11/8/2018, I will start my first blog (vlog) ever and I will try to make it last for at least a month lol


So let me talk little bit about my self. 

I'm 17 yrs old の LJK (使ってみたかった) だよ!

I was given birth in Japan and moved to Hawaii when I was still a little brat. 


My fav color is YELLOW (I wanted to high light it yellow but couldn't read so)

My hobby is to Dance ;)))) I will share my dance videos when I get famous lmao. 

好きなダンサーさんはMaasa Ishihara, Koharu Sugawara, Cosmo The Cougar (who's dancing inside?), Kid The Wiz, Bailey Sok, and MANY MORE❤️🔥





あ、日本語が変だったらコメントして! 一人で笑うから笑