a white sheet

Dear diary,


finally i could be alone and focus on myself.

Tmr, I will leave here for Poland and I am so excited about and should accept this reality.

I just have to feel free and always care about myself first.

i wanna be like a white sheet and always try to paint my fav colors on it.

I have to chose my fav ones during living in an another country! 

Don’t think too much just enjoy what I want to do there

make a lot of friends and be inspired from everything that I see :)


Do my best just enjoy :) 

Love y friends and family :)






luckiest girl ever

Dear Diary,

I was just thinking..

one day, one of my best friends said that almost all my friends are literally overprotective, im overprotected by my friends..

i do think so too, i am the luckiest girl.

these day, someones i do not know well but im texting to are so kind to me all the time, and i was kinda anxious about it.. haha

but they told me how important spending time with family and freinds is. 

Because of chatting with them, i could notice that why i can be always happy.

My family and friends are always supportive and sometimes they are stirict to me.

this year, i wanna show the appriciation to all of them, and want to rebuild the relationship between them in the much better way!




Okey anyway im sleepy now 



bad at writing

Dear diary

Almost all my friends are now depending on or addicted to instagram and I wanted to escape from it. Finding new app for freedom, I met this.

i just want to express myself clearly here and enjoy!

it is my Diary! Yes! Finally!



2019, I made the decision that I don’t hide from my darkness, and I have to say whatever indirectly with using music or something like that. 

Im gonna study abroad in Poland where a lot of people learn music, and focus on myself there :)

Enjoy whatever wherever whenever :)



Wanna change in a good way :)

