Vala プログラミング

WebGPU プログラミング


GNUStepSwiftBridge & OpenGL

GNUStepSwiftBridge を使って NSOpenGLView への描画にトライしました。

[ 実行結果 ]

Swift で OpenGL による描画のサンプルがあります。
GitHub - sakrist/Swift_OpenGL_Example: :star: Swift OpenGL Example written with swift (for Ubuntu, macOS, iOS and Android)
shader を使って描画しています。
これは、macOS, iOS, Linux, Android で動作するようです。
下図は Linux で実行したものです。XWindow に描画しています。
mouse による操作ができます。

今回は、これを参考にして、GNUStepSwiftBridge で NSOpenGLView への描画にトライしました。

前回の AppKit.swift にNSOpenGLView を追加しました。

// The Swift Programming Language
// add
// 2022-11-15
// NSImage public static func imageWithPath(_ path: String)

import ObjCSwiftInterop

open class NSApplication: GNUStepNSObjectWrapper {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSApplication"
	public var shared: NSApplication {
		get {
			var sharedApp =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_registerName("sharedApplication"))
			return NSApplication()

open class NSApplicationDelegate: GNUStepNSObjectWrapper {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSApplicationDelegateForSwift"

	static var didFinishLaunchingIMP: @convention(block) (UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?,SEL,id?) -> (UInt8) = { first, second, third in
		let SELF: NSApplicationDelegate? = smart_swift_lookupIvarWithType(_nsobjptr: first, name: "___swiftPtr")
		SELF?.applicationDidFinishLaunching(notification: nil)
		return 0

	open func applicationDidFinishLaunching(notification: Any?) {


	static var _objcClass = GNUStepNSObjectSubclassConstructor(name: "NSApplicationDelegateForSwift", superName: "NSObject", create: { ptr in
		var types = "i@:@"
		let imp = imp_implementationWithBlock(unsafeBitCast(didFinishLaunchingIMP, to: id.self))
		class_addMethod(ptr, sel_registerName("applicationDidFinishLaunching:"),imp, types)

	public override init() {
		_ = NSApplicationDelegate._objcClass


		var nclass = objc_getClass("NSApplicationDelegateForSwift")

		var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nclass!.pointee, sel_getUid("alloc"))
		initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&initalizedObject!.pointee, sel_getUid("init"))

		self._nsobjptr = initalizedObject

		var cast = Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque()
		smart_swift_setIvar(_nsobjptr: self._nsobjptr, name: "___swiftPtr", value: cast)

	public required init(nsobjptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?) {
		super.init(nsobjptr: nsobjptr)

	public func didFinishLaunching(_ OBJ: Any, notification: Any?) -> Void {


open class UIView: NSView {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "UIView"

	static var isFlippedIMP: @convention(block) (UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?,SEL) -> (UInt8) = { first, second in
		print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!asked if is flipped!")
		return 1

	static var _objcClass = GNUStepNSObjectSubclassConstructor(
		name: "UIView", superName: "NSScrollView", create: { ptr in }

	public override init() {
		_ = UIView._objcClass

		let nclass = objc_getClass("UIView")

		let types = "c"
		let imp = imp_implementationWithBlock(unsafeBitCast(UIView.isFlippedIMP, to: id.self))
		class_replaceMethod(UIView._objcClass._nsobjptr!, sel_registerName("isFlipped"),imp, types)

		var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nclass!.pointee, sel_getUid("alloc"))
		initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage1NSRect(&initalizedObject!.pointee, sel_getUid("initWithFrame:"), CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))
		initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&initalizedObject!.pointee, sel_getUid("retain"))
		self._nsobjptr = initalizedObject

		initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&initalizedObject!.pointee, sel_getUid("_rebuildCoordinates"))
		let cast = Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque()
		smart_swift_setIvar(_nsobjptr: self._nsobjptr, name: "___swiftPtr", value: cast)

	public required init(nsobjptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?) {
		self._nsobjptr = nsobjptr
		var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))

public class NSFont: GNUStepNSObjectWrapper {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSFont"

	public override init() {

	public init?(name: String, size: Float) {
		var nsColorClass = objc_getClass("NSFont")
		var size = size
		var string = NSString(string: name)
		var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, id, Float) -> (id?))? = objc_smart_getIMP(id: &nsColorClass!.pointee, selector: "fontWithName:size:")
		if var rtn = imp?(&nsColorClass!.pointee, sel_getUid("fontWithName:size:"), &string._nsobjptr!.pointee, size) {
			self._nsobjptr = rtn
			print("FOUND FONT")
			var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&rtn.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))
		} else {
			print("FONT NOT FOUND")
			return nil

	public static func boldSystemFontOfSize(size: Double) -> NSFont {
		var nsColorClass = objc_getClass("NSFont")
		var size = size

		var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, Double) -> (id?))? = objc_smart_getIMP(id: &nsColorClass!.pointee, selector: "boldSystemFontOfSize:")
		if var rtn = imp?(&nsColorClass!.pointee, sel_getUid("boldSystemFontOfSize:"), size) {
			print("FOUND boldSystemFontOfSize")

			var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&rtn.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))
			return NSFont(nsobjptr: rtn)

		} else {
			return NSFont()

	public required init(nsobjptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?) {
		self._nsobjptr = nsobjptr
		var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))

public class NSColor: GNUStepNSObjectWrapper {

	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSColor"

	public override init() {
		let nsColorClass =  objc_getClass(self._nsclassName)
		var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsColorClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("blueColor"))
		initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&initalizedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))
		self._nsobjptr = initalizedObject

	public init(red: Float, green: Float, blue: Float, alpha: Float) {
		let nsColorClass =  objc_getClass(self._nsclassName)
		let red = red
		let green = green
		let blue = blue
		let alpha = alpha
		var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage4Floats(&nsColorClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("colorWithCalibratedRed:green:blue:alpha:"), red, green, blue, alpha)
		initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&initalizedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))
		self._nsobjptr = initalizedObject

	public static var clear: NSColor {
		return .init(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 0.0)

	public static var blue: NSColor {
		return .init(red: 0.0, green: 0.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 1.0)

	public static var black: NSColor {
		return .init(red: 0.0, green: 0.0, blue: 0.0, alpha: 1.0)

	public static var white: NSColor {
		return .init(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 1.0)

	public static var grey: NSColor {
		return .init(red: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1.0)

	public static var darkPurple: NSColor {
		return NSColor.init(red: 0.1422559619, green: 0.05977959186, blue: 0.2294596732, alpha: 1)

	public static var purple: NSColor {
		let c =    NSColor.init(red: 0.2726541758, green: 0.1163508371, blue: 0.435738951, alpha: 1)
		return c

	public required init(nsobjptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?) {
		super.init(nsobjptr: nsobjptr)

open class NSImage: GNUStepNSObjectWrapper {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSImage"

	public static func image(named: String) -> NSImage? {
		print("finding image named \(named)")
		var nsColorClass = objc_getClass("NSImage")
		var nsColorClassAsClass =  object_getClass(objc_getClass("NSImage"))

		var string = NSString(string: named)
		var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, id) -> (id?))? = objc_smart_getIMP(id: &nsColorClass!.pointee, selector: "imageNamed:")
		if var rtn = imp?(&nsColorClass!.pointee, sel_getUid("imageNamed:"), &string._nsobjptr!.pointee) {
			var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&rtn.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))
			let v = NSImage(nsobjptr: &rtn.pointee)
			print("image is named \(")
			return v
		return nil
	public static func imageWithPath(_ path: String) -> NSImage? {
		print("file path:", path)
		let nsfilePath = NSString(string: path)
		var nsImageClass = objc_getClass("NSImage")
		var initializedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsImageClass!.pointee, sel_getUid("alloc"))
		var vimage = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&initializedObject!.pointee, sel_getUid("initWithContentsOfFile:"), nsfilePath._nsobjptr)
        let v = NSImage(nsobjptr: &vimage!.pointee)
        return v

	public var name: String {
		get {
			print("getting name")
			if var ptr = self._nsobjptr {
				var imp: (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (id))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "name")
				if let rtn = imp?(&ptr.pointee, sel_getUid("name")) {
					if let rtn = objc_convertToSwift_NSObject(value: rtn) as? NSString {
						return rtn.string

			return ""

open class NSView: GNUStepNSObjectWrapper {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSView"

	public var subviews: [Any] = []
	public func addSubview(_ subview: NSView) {
		guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		if var ptr = subview._nsobjptr{
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("addSubview:"), &ptr.pointee)


	public func setBackgroundColor(_ color:  NSColor) {
		guard let colorPtr = color._nsobjptr else {return}
		guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setBackgroundColor:"), &colorPtr.pointee)

	public var frame: CGRect {
		get {
			let imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (CGRect))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "frame")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("frame")) {
				return rtn
			return .init(x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0)

		set {
			guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, CGRect) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setFrame:")
			let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("setFrame:"), newValue)

	public func setFrame(_ rect: CGRect) {
		print("set frame: \(rect)")
		guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1NSRect(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setFrame:"), rect)


public class NSWindow: GNUStepNSObjectWrapper {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSWindow"

	public override init() {
		let nsWindowClass =  objc_getClass(_nsclassName)
		var allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsWindowClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("alloc"))

		let styleMask: UInt = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8
		let backingStoreType: UInt = 0
		let deferr: Int8 = 0
		let rect = CGRect(x: 200, y: 200, width: 500, height: 500)
		allocatedObject = initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:"), rect, styleMask, backingStoreType, deferr)

		self._nsobjptr = allocatedObject
		self.setTitle(NSString(string: "Untitled Window"))


	public init(_ rect: CGRect) {
		let nsWindowClass =  objc_getClass(_nsclassName)
		var allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsWindowClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("alloc"))

		let styleMask: UInt = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8
		let backingStoreType: UInt = 0
		let deferr: Int8 = 0
		allocatedObject = initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:"), rect, styleMask, backingStoreType, deferr)

		self._nsobjptr = allocatedObject
		self.setTitle(NSString(string: "Untitled Window"))

	public required init(nsobjptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?) {
		super.init(nsobjptr: nsobjptr)

	public func orderFront(sender:  Any?) {
		guard var ptr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&ptr.pointee, sel_registerName("orderFront:"), nil)

	public func setBackgroundColor(_ color:  NSColor) {
		guard let colorPtr = color._nsobjptr else {return}
		guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setBackgroundColor:"), &colorPtr.pointee)

	var title: String {
		set {
			var title = NSString(string: newValue)
			if var ptr = title._nsobjptr, var selfPtr = self._nsobjptr {
				_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setTitle:"), &ptr.pointee)

		get {
			if let x: NSString = objc_smart_sendMessage(object: self, selector: "title", value1: StopVariable(), value2: StopVariable(), value3: StopVariable(), value4: StopVariable(), value5: StopVariable(), value6: StopVariable(), value7: StopVariable(), value8: StopVariable(), value9: StopVariable()) {
				return x.string
			return ""

	public func setTitle(_ title: NSString) {
		if var ptr = title._nsobjptr, var selfPtr = self._nsobjptr {
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setTitle:"), &ptr.pointee)

	public var subviews: [Any] = []
	public func addSubview(_ subview: GNUStepNSObjectWrapper) {
		guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		var contentViewPtr =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("contentView"))
		if var ptr = subview._nsobjptr, var contentViewPtr = contentViewPtr {
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&contentViewPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("addSubview:"), &ptr.pointee)

	var contentView: NSView?
	public func setContentView(_ view: NSView) {
		guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		self.contentView = view
		if var ptr = view._nsobjptr {
			var _ =  forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setContentView:"), &ptr.pointee)
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&ptr.pointee, sel_registerName("_invalidateCoordinates"), &ptr.pointee)
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&ptr.pointee, sel_registerName("_rebuildCoordinates"), &ptr.pointee)

	public func printWindow() {
		guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("print:"), nil)

	public func setFrameOrigin(_ origin: ObjCSwiftInterop.NSPoint) {
		guard var ptr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		var origin = origin

		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&ptr.pointee, sel_registerName("setFrameOrigin:"), &origin)

public class NSControl: NSView {
	public func setEnabled(_ flag: Bool) {
		guard var ptr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		var bool = flag
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&ptr.pointee, sel_registerName("setEnabled:"), &bool)

	public var stringValue: String {
		get {
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (id))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "stringValue")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("stringValue")) {
				if let rtn = objc_convertToSwift_NSObject(value: rtn) as? NSString {
					return rtn.string
			return ""
		set {			
			guard var selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
			let ns = NSString(string: newValue)
			guard var stringPTR = ns._nsobjptr else {return}
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, id) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setStringValue:")
			let rtn = imp?(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_getUid("setStringValue:"), &stringPTR.pointee)

public class NSImageView: NSView {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSImageView"

	public override init() {

		var rect = ObjCSwiftInterop.CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 22) //(x: Double(50), y: Double(50), width:  Double(50), height: Double(50))
		let  nsWindowClass =  objc_getClass("NSImageView")
		var allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsWindowClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("alloc"))

		allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage1NSRect(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("initWithFrame:"), rect)
		_ =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))

		self._nsobjptr = allocatedObject

	public required init(nsobjptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?) {
		self._nsobjptr = nsobjptr
		var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))

	public func setImage(_ image: NSImage) {
		print("Setting Image 1")
		guard var ptr = image._nsobjptr else {print("Setting Image image ptr == nil"); return}
		guard var selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {print("Setting Image 1.2"); return}
		if var ptr = image._nsobjptr, var selfPtr = self._nsobjptr {
			print("Setting Image 2")
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1ID(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setImage:"), ptr)

public class NSOpenGLView: NSView {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSOpenGLView"

	public override init() {

		var rect = ObjCSwiftInterop.CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 300, height: 300)
		let  nsViewClass =  objc_getClass("NSOpenGLView")
		var allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsViewClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("alloc"))
		allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage1NSRect(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("initWithFrame:"), rect)
		_ =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))

		self._nsobjptr = allocatedObject

	public required init(nsobjptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?) {
		self._nsobjptr = nsobjptr
		var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))

	public func contextMakeCurrent() {
		let glcontext = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_registerName("openGLContext"))
		forSwift_objcSendMessage(&glcontext!.pointee, sel_registerName("makeCurrentContext"))

	public func display() {
		let glcontext = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_registerName("openGLContext"))
		forSwift_objcSendMessage(&glcontext!.pointee, sel_registerName("flushBuffer"))

public class NSButton: NSControl {
	static var _objcClass = GNUStepNSObjectSubclassConstructor(name: "NSButtonForSwift", superName: "NSButton", create: { ptr in})

	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSButton"

	static var ___private_actionIMP: @convention(block) (UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?,SEL,id?) -> (Void) = { first, second, third in
		let SELF: NSButton? = smart_swift_lookupIvarWithType(_nsobjptr: first, name: "___swiftPtr")
		if let SELF = SELF {

	public lazy var onAction: ((NSButton) -> (Void))? = { first in }

	public override init() {
		_ = Self._objcClass
		var rect = ObjCSwiftInterop.CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 22) //(x: Double(50), y: Double(50), width:  Double(50), height: Double(50))
		let  nsWindowClass =  objc_getClass("NSButtonForSwift")
		var allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsWindowClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("alloc"))
		allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage1NSRect(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("initWithFrame:"), rect)
		_ =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))

		var types = "@"
		let imp = imp_implementationWithBlock(unsafeBitCast(NSButton.___private_actionIMP, to: id.self))
		class_addMethod(object_getClass(&allocatedObject!.pointee), sel_registerName("___private_action:"),imp, types)

		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1ID(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("setTarget:"), allocatedObject!)
		var sel = sel_getUid("___private_action:")
		print("SEL = \(sel!)")
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1SEL(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("setAction:"), sel!)

		self._nsobjptr = allocatedObject
		var cast = Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque()
		print("in NSButton about to cast \(cast)")
		smart_swift_setIvar(_nsobjptr: self._nsobjptr, name: "___swiftPtr", value: cast)

	public required init(nsobjptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?) {
		super.init(nsobjptr: nsobjptr)

	public func setTitle(_ text: NSString) {
		if var ptr = text._nsobjptr, var selfPtr = self._nsobjptr {
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1ID(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setTitle:"), ptr)

	public func setImage(_ image: NSImage) {
		if var ptr = image._nsobjptr, var selfPtr = self._nsobjptr {
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1ID(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setImage:"), ptr)


public class NSTextField: NSControl {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSTextField"

	public override init() {
		var rect = CGRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 200, height: 50)
		let  nsWindowClass =  objc_getClass("NSTextField")
		var allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsWindowClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("alloc"))
		allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("initWithFrame:"), &rect)
		allocatedObject =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))
		self._nsobjptr = allocatedObject
		self.setText(NSString(string: "This is me!"))

	public required init(nsobjptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?) {
		self._nsobjptr = nsobjptr
		var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))

	public func setText(_ text: NSString) {
		if var ptr = text._nsobjptr, var selfPtr = self._nsobjptr {
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setStringValue:"), &ptr.pointee)

	public var font: NSFont? {
		get {
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (id))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "font")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("font")) {
				return NSFont(nsobjptr: rtn)
			return nil

		set {
			print("SETTING FONT")
			guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {print("selfPtr = nil"); return}
			guard let newValuePtr = newValue?._nsobjptr else {print("newValue = nil \(newValue)"); return}
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, id) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setFont:")
			let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("setFont:"), &newValuePtr.pointee)

	public func setEditable(_ flag: Bool) {
		guard var ptr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		var bool = flag
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&ptr.pointee, sel_registerName("setEditable:"), &bool)

	public func setSelectable(_ flag: Bool) {
		guard var ptr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		var bool = flag
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&ptr.pointee, sel_registerName("setSelectable:"), &bool)

	public func selectText() {
		guard var ptr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&ptr.pointee, sel_registerName("selectText"))

	public var isSelectable: Bool {
		get {
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (UInt8))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "isSelectable")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("isSelectable")) {
				return rtn == 0 ? false : true
			return true

		set {
			guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, UInt8) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setSelectable:")
			let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("setSelectable:"), newValue ? 1 : 0)

	public var isEditable: Bool {
		get {
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (UInt8))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "isEditable")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("isEditable")) {
				return rtn == 0 ? false : true
			return true

		set {
			guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
			let imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, UInt8) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setEditable:")
			let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("setEditable:"), newValue ? 1 : 0)

	public var textColor: NSColor {
		get {
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (id))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "textColor")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("textColor")) {
				return NSColor(nsobjptr: rtn)
			return .blue

		set {
			guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
			guard let newValuePtr = newValue._nsobjptr else {return}
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, id) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setTextColor:")
			let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("setTextColor:"), &newValuePtr.pointee)

	public var isBordered: Bool {
		get {
			let imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (UInt8))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "isBordered")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("isBordered")) {
				return rtn == 0 ? false : true
			return true

		set {
			guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
			let imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, UInt8) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setBordered:")
			let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("setBordered:"), newValue ? 1 : 0)

	public var isBezeled: Bool {
		get {
			let imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (UInt8))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "isBezeled")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("isBezeled")) {
				return rtn == 0 ? false : true
			return true

		set {
			guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
			let imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, UInt8) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setBezeled:")
			let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("setBezeled:"), newValue ? 1 : 0)

	public var drawsBackground: Bool {
		get {
			let imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (UInt8))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "drawsBackground")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("drawsBackground")) {
				return rtn == 0 ? false : true
			return true

		set {
			guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
			let imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, UInt8) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setDrawsBackground:")
			let _rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("setDrawsBackground:"), newValue ? 1 : 0)

application package のディレクトリ配置

    /Headers ( GNUStepSwiftBridge と同じ)
             AppKit.swift ( 編集した AppKit.swift)
             Foundation.swift ( 元ファイルの6行目import AppKitGNUStep 行をコメント)
             SwiftForGNUStep.swift ( 元ファイルの14行目import AppKitGNUStep 行をコメント)
         /AppKitGNUStep ( GNUStepSwiftBridge と同じ)
         /FoubdationGNUStep ( GNUStepSwiftBridge と同じ)
         /libobjc2 ( GNUStepSwiftBridge と同じ)
             Resources ( 前回と同じ)
             CheckResource.swift ( 前回と同じ)
             Cube.swift ( /sakrist/Swift_OpenGL_Example/Sources/app 内ファイルと同じ)
             Geometry.swift ( /sakrist/Swift_OpenGL_Example/Sources/app 内ファイルと同じ)
             RenderObject.swift ( /sakrist/GLApplication/Sources/GLApplication 内ファイルと同じ)
             Sene.swift ( /sakrist/Swift_OpenGL_Example/Sources/app 内ファイルと同じ)
             Shader.swift ( /sakrist/Swift_OpenGL_Example/Sources/app 内ファイルと同じ)
             String_extension.swift ( /sakrist/Swift_OpenGL_Example/Sources/app 内ファイルと同じ)
        /ObjCSwiftInterop ( GNUStepSwiftBridge と同じ)
        /SwiftMath ( /sakrist/SwiftMath/Sources  と同じ)

OpenGL ライブラリ名は、COpenGL に変更。


module COpenGL [system] {
     header "/usr/include/GL/gl.h"
     link "GL"
     export *


// The Swift Programming Language

import AppKitGNUStep
import ObjCSwiftInterop

// check ResourcesFile

// main
let delegate = AppDelegate()

let napClass =  objc_getClass("NSApplication")
var sharedApp =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&napClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("sharedApplication"))
print("Just created NSApplication")

let v = forSwift_objcSendMessage1ID(&sharedApp!.pointee, sel_getUid("setDelegate:"), delegate._nsobjptr!)
print("made it!")

NSApplicationMain(CommandLine.argc, CommandLine.unsafeArgv.pointee)


// The Swift Programming Language

import Foundation
import AppKit
import SwiftMath

let fileManager = FileManager.default

let width  = 500.0
let height = 400.0

class AppDelegate: NSApplicationDelegate {
	lazy var window = NSWindow(CGRect(x: 150, y: 400, width: width, height: height + 50.0))
	lazy var view = UIView()
	lazy var glView = NSOpenGLView()
	lazy var button1 = NSButton()
	lazy var button2 = NSButton()
	lazy var button3 = NSButton()
	lazy var button4 = NSButton()
	lazy var textField1 = NSTextField()
	lazy var textField2 = NSTextField()

	override func applicationDidFinishLaunching(notification: Any?) {
		window.orderFront(sender: self)
		window.setTitle(NSString(string: "OpenGL Test"))

		var pitch:Float = 0.0
    	var yaw:Float = 0.0

		textField1.textColor = .black
		textField1.isSelectable = false
		textField1.isBordered = false
		textField1.isBezeled = false
		textField1.drawsBackground = false
		textField1.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: height + 20, width: 40, height: 30)
		textField1.stringValue = "pitch"

		button1.setTitle(NSString(string: "+"))
		button1.frame = .init(x: 70, y: height + 10, width: 30, height: 30)
		button2.setTitle(NSString(string: "-"))
		button2.frame = .init(x: 110, y: height + 10, width: 30, height: 30)

		textField2.textColor = .black
		textField2.isSelectable = false
		textField2.isBordered = false
		textField2.isBezeled = false
		textField2.drawsBackground = false
		textField2.frame = CGRect(x: width / 2, y: height + 20, width: 40, height: 30)
		textField2.stringValue = "yaw"

		button3.setTitle(NSString(string: "+"))
		button3.frame = .init(x: width/2 + 50, y: height + 10, width: 30, height: 30)
		button4.setTitle(NSString(string: "-"))
		button4.frame = .init(x: width/2 + 90, y: height + 10, width: 30, height: 30)

		view.frame = .init(x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: height)
		view.setBackgroundColor(NSColor(red: 0.8, green: 0.8, blue: 0.8, alpha: 1.0))

		glView.frame = .init(x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: height)

		var renderObject: RenderObject?
    	var scene:Scene { 
        	get { 
            	return renderObject as! Scene
        	set(scene) { 
            	renderObject = scene

		scene = Scene()
		scene.size = Size(Int(width), Int(height))
        let rotateX = Matrix4x4f.rotate(x: Angle.init(radians: pitch))
        let rotateY = Matrix4x4f.rotate(y: Angle.init(radians: yaw))
        scene.modelViewMatrix = scene.modelViewMatrix * (rotateX * rotateY)

		button1.onAction = { button in
			pitch += 0.2
			//print("pitch yaw", pitch, yaw)
			let rotateX = Matrix4x4f.rotate(x: Angle.init(radians: pitch))
        	let rotateY = Matrix4x4f.rotate(y: Angle.init(radians: yaw))
        	scene.modelViewMatrix = Matrix4x4f.translate(tx: 0, ty: 0, tz: -4) * (rotateX * rotateY)
		button2.onAction = { button in
			pitch -= 0.2
			//print("pitch yaw", pitch, yaw)
			let rotateX = Matrix4x4f.rotate(x: Angle.init(radians: pitch))
        	let rotateY = Matrix4x4f.rotate(y: Angle.init(radians: yaw))
        	scene.modelViewMatrix = Matrix4x4f.translate(tx: 0, ty: 0, tz: -4) * (rotateX * rotateY)
		button3.onAction = { button in
			yaw += 0.2
			//print("pitch yaw", pitch, yaw)
			let rotateX = Matrix4x4f.rotate(x: Angle.init(radians: pitch))
        	let rotateY = Matrix4x4f.rotate(y: Angle.init(radians: yaw))
        	scene.modelViewMatrix = Matrix4x4f.translate(tx: 0, ty: 0, tz: -4) * (rotateX * rotateY)
		button4.onAction = { button in
			yaw -= 0.2
			//print("pitch yaw", pitch, yaw)
			let rotateX = Matrix4x4f.rotate(x: Angle.init(radians: pitch))
        	let rotateY = Matrix4x4f.rotate(y: Angle.init(radians: yaw))
        	scene.modelViewMatrix = Matrix4x4f.translate(tx: 0, ty: 0, tz: -4) * (rotateX * rotateY)
		func needsDisplay() {


// swift-tools-version: 5.8
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
	name: "AppOpenGL",
	products: [
		// Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, making them visible to other packages.
			name: "Main",
			targets: ["Main"]),
		.library(name: "libobjc", targets: ["libobjc2"]),
		.library(name: "AppKitGNUStep", targets: ["AppKitGNUStep"]),
		.library(name: "FoundationGNUStep", targets: ["FoundationGNUStep"]),
		.library(name: "ObjCSwiftInterop",  targets: ["ObjCSwiftInterop"]),
		.library(name: "AppKit", targets: ["AppKit"]),
		.library(name: "SwiftMath", type: .static, targets: ["SwiftMath"]),
	targets: [
		// Targets are the basic building blocks of a package, defining a module or a test suite.
		// Targets can depend on other targets in this package and products from dependencies.
			name: "Main",
			dependencies: ["libobjc2", "AppKitGNUStep", "ObjCSwiftInterop", "FoundationGNUStep", "AppKit", "COpenGL", "SwiftMath"],
			cSettings: [.define("GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES")]
		.target(name: "ObjCSwiftInterop"),
		.target(name: "AppKit",
			dependencies: ["libobjc2", "ObjCSwiftInterop", "FoundationGNUStep"]),
		.target(name: "SwiftMath",
			swiftSettings: [ .define("NOSIMD", .when(platforms: [.linux, .android, .windows, .wasi, ])),]),
		.systemLibrary(name: "libobjc2"),
		.systemLibrary(name: "AppKitGNUStep"),
		.systemLibrary(name: "FoundationGNUStep"),
		.systemLibrary(name: "COpenGL"),

AppKit ライブラリを application 内のライブラリにしました。


GNUStepSwiftBridge & CairoGraphics

前回の GNUStepSwiftBridge を利用して、CairoGraphics を行いました。


InfoPanel の表示

Resources ファイルの .build/debug ディレクトリへのコピー
 前回はResouces を手動で コピーしていましたが、これをプログラム内で行うようにしました。FileManager を使用します。

// The Swift Programming Language

// check Resources Files
import Foundation

func CheckResource() {
    let fileManager = FileManager.default
    let currentPath = fileManager.currentDirectoryPath
    let filePath:String =  currentPath + "/Sources/Resources"
    let copyPath:String = ".build/debug/Resources"

    let exist = fileManager.fileExists(atPath: copyPath)
    if !exist {
        do {
            try fileManager.copyItem(atPath: filePath, toPath: copyPath)
    	} catch {
            print("can not copy")

AppKit ライブラリ
 前回はAppKit ライブラリを application project と同じフォルダに置いていましたが、これをAppKit 単体のライブラリにしました。

1 mkdir AppKit
2 cd AppKit
   swift package init --type library
3 copy AppKitGNUStep , FoundationGNUStep, libobjc2 , ObjCSwiftInterop in Sources dir
   copy Headers in AppKit dir
4 edit Sources/AppKit/AppKit.swift
   copy Foundation.swift , SwiftForGNUStep.swift
5 edit Package.swift
   // swift-tools-version: 5.8
   // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build
   this package.

   import PackageDescription

   let package = Package(
       name: "AppKit",
       products: [
           // Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, 
                 making them visible to other packages.
           .library(name: "libobjc", targets: ["libobjc2"]),
           .library(name: "AppKitGNUStep", targets: ["AppKitGNUStep"]),
           .library(name: "FoundationGNUStep", targets: ["FoundationGNUStep"]),
           .library(name: "ObjCSwiftInterop",  targets: ["ObjCSwiftInterop"]),
               name: "AppKit",
               targets: ["AppKit"]),
       targets: [
           // Targets are the basic building blocks of a package,
                 defining a module or a test suite.
           // Targets can depend on other targets in this package and products
                 from dependencies.
           .target(name: "ObjCSwiftInterop"),
                name: "AppKit",
                dependencies: ["libobjc2", "AppKitGNUStep", "ObjCSwiftInterop",
           .systemLibrary(name: "libobjc2"),
           .systemLibrary(name: "AppKitGNUStep"),
           .systemLibrary(name: "FoundationGNUStep"),
                name: "AppKitTests",
                dependencies: ["AppKit"]),
5 set git info
   in AppKit dir
       git init
       git add .
       git commit -m "Initial Commit"
       git tag 1.0.0

application (AppCG) ディレクトリ配置

    AppKit (上記ライブラリ)
                 ( tiff files )

Gorm を使って編集します。
 1 InfoPanel の表示
  メニューの InfoPanel を NSFirst に接続
  target から orderFrontStandardInfoPanel: を選択
 2 メニューアイテムの追加
  パレットウィンドウのメニューから、 Item をドラッグ


module CCairo [system] {
    module CairoXlib {
        header "/usr/include/cairo/cairo-xlib.h"
    module Cairo {
        header "/usr/include/cairo/cairo.h"
    link "cairo"
    export *


// swift-tools-version: 5.8
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "AppCG",
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "../AppKit", from: Version(1,0,0))
    targets: [
        // Targets are the basic building blocks of a package, defining a module or a test suite.
        // Targets can depend on other targets in this package and products from dependencies.
            name: "AppCG",
            dependencies: ["AppKit", "CCairo"],
            path: "Sources"
            name: "CCairo"),


// The Swift Programming Language

import AppKitGNUStep
import ObjCSwiftInterop
import Foundation

// check ResourcesFile

// main
let fileManager = FileManager.default

let delegate = AppDelegate()

let napClass =  objc_getClass("NSApplication")
var sharedApp =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&napClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("sharedApplication"))
print("Just created NSApplication")

let v = forSwift_objcSendMessage1ID(&sharedApp!.pointee, sel_getUid("setDelegate:"), delegate._nsobjptr!)
print("made it!")

NSApplicationMain(CommandLine.argc, CommandLine.unsafeArgv.pointee)


// The Swift Programming Language

import FoundationGNUStep
import ObjCSwiftInterop
import AppKit
import CCairo.Cairo

let width = 640
let height = 480
var drawFlag = 1

func draw(_ context: CGContext, _ width: Float, _ height: Float) -> Void {
   // background
   context.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
   context.addRect(CGRect(x:0, y:0, width: Double(width), height: Double(height)))

   switch (drawFlag) {
      case 1:
      // Draw random rects (some stroked, some filled)
      for i in 0...19 {
         if (i % 2 == 0) {
            context.setColor( Double.random(in: 0...1), Double.random(in: 0...1),
               Double.random(in: 0...1),  Double.random(in: 0...1))
               x:Double.random(in: 0...1)*Double(width),
               y:Double.random(in: 0...1)*Double(height),
               width:Double.random(in: 0...1)*Double(width),
               height:Double.random(in: 0...1)*Double(height)))
         else {
            context.lineWidth = Float.random(in: 0...10) + 2
            context.setColor( Double.random(in: 0...1), Double.random(in: 0...1),
               Double.random(in: 0...1),  Double.random(in: 0...1))
               x:Double.random(in: 0...1)*Double(width),
               y:Double.random(in: 0...1)*Double(height),
               width:Double.random(in: 0...1)*Double(width),
               height:Double.random(in: 0...1)*Double(height)))

      case 2:
      // Draw random circles (some stroked, some filled)
      for i in 0...19 {
            center: CGPoint(x:Double.random(in: 0...1)*Double(width),
                            y:Double.random(in: 0...1)*Double(height)),
            radius: Float.random(in: 0...1)*((width>height) ? Float(height) : Float(width)),
            startAngle: 0, endAngle: 2*Float.pi, clockwise: false)
         if (i % 2 == 0) {
            context.setColor( Double.random(in: 0...1), Double.random(in: 0...1),
               Double.random(in: 0...1),  Double.random(in: 0...1))
         else {
            context.lineWidth = Float.random(in: 0...10) + 2
            context.setColor( Double.random(in: 0...1), Double.random(in: 0...1),
               Double.random(in: 0...1),  Double.random(in: 0...1))


func display() {
	let cs = cairo_image_surface_create( CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, Int32(width), Int32(height) )
	let c = CGContext(surface: cs, width: width, height: height)

   // draw
   draw(c, Float(width), Float(height))
   cairo_surface_write_to_png( cs, "test.png" )

class AppDelegate: NSApplicationDelegate {
	lazy var window = NSWindow(CGRect(x: 150, y: 380, width: 500, height: 450))
	lazy var imageView = NSImageView()
	lazy var view = UIView()

	override func applicationDidFinishLaunching(notification: Any?) {
		print("\nget mainMenu")
		let menu =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&sharedApp!.pointee, sel_registerName("mainMenu"))
		// menu: add Action
		print("item at index")
		var aindex : Int = 1
		print("item index:", aindex)
		let aindexNSInt: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object> = unsafeBitCast(aindex, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>.self)
		let aitem = forSwift_objcSendMessage1ID(&menu!.pointee, sel_getUid("itemAtIndex:"), aindexNSInt)
		print("index \(aindex) item:", aitem)
		let aitem2 = objc_convertToSwift_NSObject(value: aitem) as? NSString
		let aitemtitle = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&aitem!.pointee, sel_registerName("title"))
		let aitemtitle2 = objc_convertToSwift_NSObject(value: aitemtitle) as? NSString
		print("index \(aindex) item:", aitemtitle2!.string)
		let my_actionIMP: @convention(block) () -> () = {
			print("print from menu")
			drawFlag = 2

			let currentPath = fileManager.currentDirectoryPath
			let filePath:String =  currentPath + "/test.png"
        	let image2 = Image.imageWithPath(filePath)
		let types = "@"
		let imp = imp_implementationWithBlock(unsafeBitCast(my_actionIMP, to: id.self))
		class_addMethod(object_getClass(&aitem!.pointee), sel_registerName("my_action:"),imp, types)
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1ID(&aitem!.pointee, sel_registerName("setTarget:"), aitem!)
		let sel = sel_getUid("my_action:")
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1SEL(&aitem!.pointee, sel_registerName("setAction:"), sel!)
        print("end menu\n")
		let currentPath = fileManager.currentDirectoryPath
		let filePath:String =  currentPath + "/test.png"
    	let image = Image.imageWithPath(filePath)
		window.orderFront(sender: self)
		window.setTitle(NSString(string: "Image Test"))

		view.frame = .init(x: 0, y: 0, width: 500, height: 450)

		imageView.frame = .init(x: 0, y: 0, width: 500, height: 450)



// The Swift Programming Language

import FoundationGNUStep
import ObjCSwiftInterop
import AppKit

class Image {
	static func imageWithPath(_ path: String) -> NSImage? {
		print("file path:", path)
		let nsfilePath = NSString(string: path)
		var nsImageClass = objc_getClass("NSImage")
		var initializedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsImageClass!.pointee, sel_getUid("alloc"))
		var vimage = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&initializedObject!.pointee, sel_getUid("initWithContentsOfFile:"), nsfilePath._nsobjptr)
        //print("vimage type:", type(of: vimage))
        let v = NSImage(nsobjptr: &vimage!.pointee)
        return v


// The Swift Programming Language
//  CGContext.swift
//  CairoGraphics

import ObjCSwiftInterop
import CCairo.Cairo

open class CGContext {
    public var surface: Optional<OpaquePointer>
    public var context: Optional<OpaquePointer>
    public internal(set) var height: Int = 0
    public internal(set) var width: Int = 0

    public init(surface: Optional<OpaquePointer>, width: Int, height: Int) {
        self.context = cairo_create(surface)
        self.surface = surface
        self.width = width
        self.height = height

public extension CGContext {
    func flush() {

public extension CGContext {
    func beginPath() {
    func closePath() {
    var currentPointOfPath: CGPoint {
        var x: Double = .zero
        var y: Double = .zero
        cairo_get_current_point(context, &x, &y)
        return CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
    var boundingBoxOfPath: CGRect {
        var x1: Double = .zero
        var y1: Double = .zero
        var x2: Double = .zero
        var y2: Double = .zero
        cairo_path_extents(context, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2)
        if x1.isZero && y1.isZero && x2.isZero && y2.isZero {
            //return .null
            return CGRect(x: x1, y: y1, width: x2, height: y2)
        } else {
            return CGRect(x: min(x1, x2), y: min(y1, y2), width: max(x1, x2) - min(x1, x2), height: max(y1, y2) - min(y1, y2))

public extension CGContext {
    func move(to point: CGPoint) {
        cairo_move_to(context, Double(point.x), Double(point.y))
    func addLine(to point: CGPoint) {
        cairo_line_to(context, Double(point.x), Double(point.y))
    func addRect(_ rect: CGRect) {
        cairo_rectangle(context, Double(rect.x), Double(rect.y), Double(rect.width), Double(rect.height))
    func addCurve(to end: CGPoint, control1: CGPoint, control2: CGPoint) {
                       Double(control1.x), Double(control1.y),
                       Double(control2.x), Double(control2.y),
                       Double(end.x), Double(end.y))
    func addQuadCurve(to end: CGPoint, control: CGPoint) {
        let current = currentPointOfPath
        let control1 = CGPoint(x: (current.x / 3.0) + (2.0 * control.x / 3.0), y: (current.y / 3.0) + (2.0 * control.y / 3.0))
        let control2 = CGPoint(x: (2.0 * control.x / 3.0) + (end.x / 3.0), y: (2.0 * control.y / 3.0) + (end.y / 3.0))
        addCurve(to: end, control1: control1, control2: control2)
    func addLines(between points: [CGPoint]) {
        if points.count == 0 { return }
        move(to: points[0])
        for i in 1..<points.count {
            addLine(to: points[i])
    func addRects(_ rects: [CGRect]) {
        for rect in rects {
    func addArc(center: CGPoint, radius: Float, startAngle: Float, endAngle: Float, clockwise: Bool) {
        if clockwise {
            cairo_arc_negative(context, Double(center.x), Double(center.y), Double(radius), Double(startAngle), Double(endAngle))
        } else {
            cairo_arc(context, Double(center.x), Double(center.y), Double(radius), Double(startAngle), Double(endAngle))

public extension CGContext {
    func fillPath() {

    func clip() {
    func resetClip() {
    func strokePath() {

public extension CGContext {
    func fill(_ rect: CGRect) {
    func stroke(_ rect: CGRect) {

public extension CGContext {
    func setColor(_ r:Double, _ g:Double, _ b:Double, _ a:Double) {
        cairo_set_source_rgba(context, r, g, b, a);
    var lineWidth: Float {
        get {
            return Float(cairo_get_line_width(context))
        set {
            cairo_set_line_width(context, Double(newValue))


discuss-gnustep mailing list(
Swift calling into GNUStep Progress

このスレッドに中に、swift から GNUstep gui を呼び出した画像があります。

この gui 呼出しにトライしてみました。



GNUStepSwiftBridge project には、
 This project is a Swift interface for GNUStep's version of AppKit.
 This project assumes that you are running OnFlapp's GNUStep Desktop project.
そこで、 OnFlapp's GNUStep Desktop をインストールしておきます。
OnFlapp's GNUStep Desktop

Lubuntuの repo からのインストールと異なり、システムのルートディレクトリに
/Applications , /Developer , /Library , /System が作成され、そこにインストール

Linux のシステムは、これまで使用している Lubuntu をそのまま利用します。
Swiftは、バージョンを5.8.1 にして、前回同様インストールします。

上記の github からダウンロードし、任意の場所に保存します。

準備が整ったら、GNUStepSwiftBridge のルートディレクトリから、
 swift run NSWindowTest
と実行します。import AppKit のエラーが出ます。
これは、AppKit ライブラリを呼び出していますが、このプロジェクト内に
AppKit ライブラリが定義されていません。ライブラリが期待される場所(Sources/AppKit)に AppKit.swift がありますが、内容がライブラリと異なっています。

その関連を調べていたら、update メッセージの中にそれらしきものがありました。
それをもとに書き直した AppKit.swift です。

// The Swift Programming Language

import FoundationGNUStep
import libobjc2
import AppKitGNUStep
import ObjCSwiftInterop

open class NSApplication: GNUStepNSObjectWrapper {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSApplication"
	public var shared: NSApplication {
		get {
			var sharedApp =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_registerName("sharedApplication"))
			return NSApplication()

open class NSApplicationDelegate: GNUStepNSObjectWrapper {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSApplicationDelegateForSwift"

	static var didFinishLaunchingIMP: @convention(block) (UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?,SEL,id?) -> (UInt8) = { first, second, third in
		let SELF: NSApplicationDelegate? = smart_swift_lookupIvarWithType(_nsobjptr: first, name: "___swiftPtr")
		SELF?.applicationDidFinishLaunching(notification: nil)
		return 0

	open func applicationDidFinishLaunching(notification: Any?) {


	static var _objcClass = GNUStepNSObjectSubclassConstructor(name: "NSApplicationDelegateForSwift", superName: "NSObject", create: { ptr in
		var types = "i@:@"
		let imp = imp_implementationWithBlock(unsafeBitCast(didFinishLaunchingIMP, to: id.self))
		class_addMethod(ptr, sel_registerName("applicationDidFinishLaunching:"),imp, types)

	public override init() {
		_ = NSApplicationDelegate._objcClass

		var nclass = objc_getClass("NSApplicationDelegateForSwift")
		var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nclass!.pointee, sel_getUid("alloc"))
		initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&initalizedObject!.pointee, sel_getUid("init"))
		self._nsobjptr = initalizedObject

		var cast = Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque()
		smart_swift_setIvar(_nsobjptr: self._nsobjptr, name: "___swiftPtr", value: cast)

	public required init(nsobjptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?) {
		super.init(nsobjptr: nsobjptr)

	public func didFinishLaunching(_ OBJ: Any, notification: Any?) -> Void {


open class UIView: NSView {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "UIView"

	static var isFlippedIMP: @convention(block) (UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?,SEL) -> (UInt8) = { first, second in
		print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!asked if is flipped!")
		return 1

	static var _objcClass = GNUStepNSObjectSubclassConstructor(
		name: "UIView", superName: "NSScrollView", create: { ptr in }

	public override init() {
		_ = UIView._objcClass

		let nclass = objc_getClass("UIView")

		let types = "c"
		let imp = imp_implementationWithBlock(unsafeBitCast(UIView.isFlippedIMP, to: id.self))
		class_replaceMethod(UIView._objcClass._nsobjptr!, sel_registerName("isFlipped"),imp, types)

		var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nclass!.pointee, sel_getUid("alloc"))
		initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage1NSRect(&initalizedObject!.pointee, sel_getUid("initWithFrame:"), CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))
		initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&initalizedObject!.pointee, sel_getUid("retain"))
		self._nsobjptr = initalizedObject

		initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&initalizedObject!.pointee, sel_getUid("_rebuildCoordinates"))
		let cast = Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque()
		smart_swift_setIvar(_nsobjptr: self._nsobjptr, name: "___swiftPtr", value: cast)

	public required init(nsobjptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?) {
		self._nsobjptr = nsobjptr
		var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))

public class NSFont: GNUStepNSObjectWrapper {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSFont"

	public override init() {

	public init?(name: String, size: Float) {

		var nsColorClass = objc_getClass("NSFont")
		var size = size
		var string = NSString(string: name)
		var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, id, Float) -> (id?))? = objc_smart_getIMP(id: &nsColorClass!.pointee, selector: "fontWithName:size:")
		if var rtn = imp?(&nsColorClass!.pointee, sel_getUid("fontWithName:size:"), &string._nsobjptr!.pointee, size) {
			self._nsobjptr = rtn
			print("FOUND FONT")
			var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&rtn.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))
		} else {
			print("FONT NOT FOUND")
			return nil

	public static func boldSystemFontOfSize(size: Double) -> NSFont {
		var nsColorClass = objc_getClass("NSFont")
		var size = size

		var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, Double) -> (id?))? = objc_smart_getIMP(id: &nsColorClass!.pointee, selector: "boldSystemFontOfSize:")
		if var rtn = imp?(&nsColorClass!.pointee, sel_getUid("boldSystemFontOfSize:"), size) {
			print("FOUND boldSystemFontOfSize")

			var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&rtn.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))
			return NSFont(nsobjptr: rtn)

		} else {
			return NSFont()

	public required init(nsobjptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?) {
		self._nsobjptr = nsobjptr
		var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))

public class NSColor: GNUStepNSObjectWrapper {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSColor"

	public override init() {

		let nsColorClass =  objc_getClass(self._nsclassName)
		var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsColorClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("blueColor"))
		initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&initalizedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))
		self._nsobjptr = initalizedObject

	public init(red: Float, green: Float, blue: Float, alpha: Float) {
		let nsColorClass =  objc_getClass(self._nsclassName)
		let red = red
		let green = green
		let blue = blue
		let alpha = alpha
		var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage4Floats(&nsColorClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("colorWithCalibratedRed:green:blue:alpha:"), red, green, blue, alpha)
		initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&initalizedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))
		self._nsobjptr = initalizedObject

	public static var clear: NSColor {
		return .init(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 0.0)

	public static var blue: NSColor {
		return .init(red: 0.0, green: 0.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 1.0)

	public static var black: NSColor {
		return .init(red: 0.0, green: 0.0, blue: 0.0, alpha: 1.0)

	public static var white: NSColor {
		return .init(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 1.0)

	public static var grey: NSColor {
		return .init(red: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1.0)

	public static var darkPurple: NSColor {
		return NSColor.init(red: 0.1422559619, green: 0.05977959186, blue: 0.2294596732, alpha: 1)

	public static var purple: NSColor {
		let c =    NSColor.init(red: 0.2726541758, green: 0.1163508371, blue: 0.435738951, alpha: 1)
		return c

	public required init(nsobjptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?) {
		super.init(nsobjptr: nsobjptr)

open class NSImage: GNUStepNSObjectWrapper {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSImage"

	public static func image(named: String) -> NSImage? {
		print("finding image named \(named)")
		var nsColorClass = objc_getClass("NSImage")
		var nsColorClassAsClass =  object_getClass(objc_getClass("NSImage"))

		var string = NSString(string: named)
		var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, id) -> (id?))? = objc_smart_getIMP(id: &nsColorClass!.pointee, selector: "imageNamed:")
		if var rtn = imp?(&nsColorClass!.pointee, sel_getUid("imageNamed:"), &string._nsobjptr!.pointee) {
			var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&rtn.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))
			let v = NSImage(nsobjptr: &rtn.pointee)
			print("image is named \(")
			return v
		return nil

	public var name: String {
		get {
			print("getting name")
			if var ptr = self._nsobjptr {
				var imp: (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (id))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "name")
				if let rtn = imp?(&ptr.pointee, sel_getUid("name")) {
					if let rtn = objc_convertToSwift_NSObject(value: rtn) as? NSString {
						return rtn.string

			return ""

open class NSView: GNUStepNSObjectWrapper {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSView"

	public var subviews: [Any] = []
	public func addSubview(_ subview: NSView) {
		guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		if var ptr = subview._nsobjptr{
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("addSubview:"), &ptr.pointee)


	public func setBackgroundColor(_ color:  NSColor) {
		guard let colorPtr = color._nsobjptr else {return}
		guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setBackgroundColor:"), &colorPtr.pointee)

	public var frame: CGRect {
		get {
			let imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (CGRect))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "frame")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("frame")) {
				return rtn
			return .init(x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0)

		set {
			guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, CGRect) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setFrame:")
			let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("setFrame:"), newValue)

	public func setFrame(_ rect: CGRect) {
		print("set frame: \(rect)")
		guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1NSRect(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setFrame:"), rect)


public class NSWindow: GNUStepNSObjectWrapper {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSWindow"

	public override init() {

		let nsWindowClass =  objc_getClass(_nsclassName)
		var allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsWindowClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("alloc"))

		let styleMask: UInt = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8
		let backingStoreType: UInt = 0
		let deferr: Int8 = 0
		let rect = CGRect(x: 200, y: 200, width: 500, height: 500)
		allocatedObject = initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:"), rect, styleMask, backingStoreType, deferr)
		self._nsobjptr = allocatedObject
		self.setTitle(NSString(string: "Untitled Window"))

	public init(_ rect: CGRect) {
		let nsWindowClass =  objc_getClass(_nsclassName)
		var allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsWindowClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("alloc"))

		let styleMask: UInt = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8
		let backingStoreType: UInt = 0
		let deferr: Int8 = 0
		allocatedObject = initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:"), rect, styleMask, backingStoreType, deferr)
		self._nsobjptr = allocatedObject
		self.setTitle(NSString(string: "Untitled Window"))

	public required init(nsobjptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?) {
		super.init(nsobjptr: nsobjptr)

	public func orderFront(sender:  Any?) {
		guard var ptr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&ptr.pointee, sel_registerName("orderFront:"), nil)

	public func setBackgroundColor(_ color:  NSColor) {
		guard let colorPtr = color._nsobjptr else {return}
		guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setBackgroundColor:"), &colorPtr.pointee)

	var title: String {
		set {
			var title = NSString(string: newValue)
			if var ptr = title._nsobjptr, var selfPtr = self._nsobjptr {
				_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setTitle:"), &ptr.pointee)

		get {
			if let x: NSString = objc_smart_sendMessage(object: self, selector: "title", value1: StopVariable(), value2: StopVariable(), value3: StopVariable(), value4: StopVariable(), value5: StopVariable(), value6: StopVariable(), value7: StopVariable(), value8: StopVariable(), value9: StopVariable()) {
				return x.string
			return ""

	public func setTitle(_ title: NSString) {
		if var ptr = title._nsobjptr, var selfPtr = self._nsobjptr {
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setTitle:"), &ptr.pointee)

	public var subviews: [Any] = []
	public func addSubview(_ subview: GNUStepNSObjectWrapper) {
		guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		var contentViewPtr =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("contentView"))
		if var ptr = subview._nsobjptr, var contentViewPtr = contentViewPtr {
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&contentViewPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("addSubview:"), &ptr.pointee)

	var contentView: NSView?
	public func setContentView(_ view: NSView) {
		guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		self.contentView = view
		if var ptr = view._nsobjptr {
			var _ =  forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setContentView:"), &ptr.pointee)
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&ptr.pointee, sel_registerName("_invalidateCoordinates"), &ptr.pointee)
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&ptr.pointee, sel_registerName("_rebuildCoordinates"), &ptr.pointee)

	public func printWindow() {
		guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("print:"), nil)

	public func setFrameOrigin(_ origin: ObjCSwiftInterop.NSPoint) {
		guard var ptr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		var origin = origin

		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&ptr.pointee, sel_registerName("setFrameOrigin:"), &origin)

public class NSControl: NSView {
	public func setEnabled(_ flag: Bool) {
		guard var ptr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		var bool = flag
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&ptr.pointee, sel_registerName("setEnabled:"), &bool)

	public var stringValue: String {
		get {
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (id))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "stringValue")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("stringValue")) {
				if let rtn = objc_convertToSwift_NSObject(value: rtn) as? NSString {
					return rtn.string
			return ""
		set {			
			guard var selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
			let ns = NSString(string: newValue)
			guard var stringPTR = ns._nsobjptr else {return}
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, id) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setStringValue:")
			let rtn = imp?(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_getUid("setStringValue:"), &stringPTR.pointee)

public class NSImageView: NSView {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSImageView"

	public override init() {

		var rect = ObjCSwiftInterop.CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 22) //(x: Double(50), y: Double(50), width:  Double(50), height: Double(50))
		let  nsWindowClass =  objc_getClass("NSImageView")
		var allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsWindowClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("alloc"))

		allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage1NSRect(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("initWithFrame:"), rect)
		_ =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))
		self._nsobjptr = allocatedObject

	public required init(nsobjptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?) {
		self._nsobjptr = nsobjptr
		var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))

	public func setImage(_ image: NSImage) {
		print("Setting Image 1")
		guard var ptr = image._nsobjptr else {print("Setting Image image ptr == nil"); return}
		guard var selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {print("Setting Image 1.2"); return}
		if var ptr = image._nsobjptr, var selfPtr = self._nsobjptr {
			print("Setting Image 2")
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1ID(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setImage:"), ptr)

public class NSButton: NSControl {
	static var _objcClass = GNUStepNSObjectSubclassConstructor(name: "NSButtonForSwift", superName: "NSButton", create: { ptr in})

	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSButton"

	static var ___private_actionIMP: @convention(block) (UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?,SEL,id?) -> (Void) = { first, second, third in
		let SELF: NSButton? = smart_swift_lookupIvarWithType(_nsobjptr: first, name: "___swiftPtr")
		if let SELF = SELF {

	public lazy var onAction: ((NSButton) -> (Void))? = { first in }

	public override init() {
		_ = Self._objcClass
		var rect = ObjCSwiftInterop.CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 22) //(x: Double(50), y: Double(50), width:  Double(50), height: Double(50))
		let  nsWindowClass =  objc_getClass("NSButtonForSwift")
		var allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsWindowClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("alloc"))
		allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage1NSRect(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("initWithFrame:"), rect)
		_ =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))

		var types = "@"
		let imp = imp_implementationWithBlock(unsafeBitCast(NSButton.___private_actionIMP, to: id.self))
		class_addMethod(object_getClass(&allocatedObject!.pointee), sel_registerName("___private_action:"),imp, types)

		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1ID(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("setTarget:"), allocatedObject!)
		var sel = sel_getUid("___private_action:")
		print("SEL = \(sel!)")
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1SEL(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("setAction:"), sel!)

		self._nsobjptr = allocatedObject
		var cast = Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque()
		print("in NSButton about to cast \(cast)")
		smart_swift_setIvar(_nsobjptr: self._nsobjptr, name: "___swiftPtr", value: cast)

	public required init(nsobjptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?) {
		super.init(nsobjptr: nsobjptr)

	public func setTitle(_ text: NSString) {
		if var ptr = text._nsobjptr, var selfPtr = self._nsobjptr {
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1ID(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setTitle:"), ptr)

	public func setImage(_ image: NSImage) {
		if var ptr = image._nsobjptr, var selfPtr = self._nsobjptr {
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1ID(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setImage:"), ptr)

public class NSTextField: NSControl {
	public override var _nsclassName: String {
		return "NSTextField"

	public override init() {

		var rect = CGRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 200, height: 50)
		let  nsWindowClass =  objc_getClass("NSTextField")
		var allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsWindowClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("alloc"))
		allocatedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("initWithFrame:"), &rect)
		allocatedObject =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&allocatedObject!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))
		self._nsobjptr = allocatedObject
		self.setText(NSString(string: "This is me!"))

	public required init(nsobjptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_object>?) {
		self._nsobjptr = nsobjptr
		var initalizedObject = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_registerName("retain"))

	public func setText(_ text: NSString) {
		if var ptr = text._nsobjptr, var selfPtr = self._nsobjptr {
			_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&selfPtr.pointee, sel_registerName("setStringValue:"), &ptr.pointee)

	public var font: NSFont? {
		get {
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (id))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "font")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("font")) {
				return NSFont(nsobjptr: rtn)
			return nil

		set {
			print("SETTING FONT")
			guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {print("selfPtr = nil"); return}
			guard let newValuePtr = newValue?._nsobjptr else {print("newValue = nil \(newValue)"); return}
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, id) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setFont:")
			let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("setFont:"), &newValuePtr.pointee)

	public func setEditable(_ flag: Bool) {
		guard var ptr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		var bool = flag
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&ptr.pointee, sel_registerName("setEditable:"), &bool)

	public func setSelectable(_ flag: Bool) {
		guard var ptr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		var bool = flag
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage1(&ptr.pointee, sel_registerName("setSelectable:"), &bool)

	public func selectText() {
		guard var ptr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
		_ = forSwift_objcSendMessage(&ptr.pointee, sel_registerName("selectText"))

	public var isSelectable: Bool {
		get {
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (UInt8))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "isSelectable")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("isSelectable")) {
				return rtn == 0 ? false : true
			return true

		set {
			guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, UInt8) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setSelectable:")
			let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("setSelectable:"), newValue ? 1 : 0)

	public var isEditable: Bool {
		get {
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (UInt8))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "isEditable")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("isEditable")) {
				return rtn == 0 ? false : true
			return true

		set {
			guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
			let imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, UInt8) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setEditable:")
			let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("setEditable:"), newValue ? 1 : 0)

	public var textColor: NSColor {
		get {
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (id))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "textColor")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("textColor")) {
				return NSColor(nsobjptr: rtn)
			return .blue

		set {
			guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
			guard let newValuePtr = newValue._nsobjptr else {return}
			var imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, id) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setTextColor:")
			let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("setTextColor:"), &newValuePtr.pointee)

	public var isBordered: Bool {
		get {
			let imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (UInt8))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "isBordered")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("isBordered")) {
				return rtn == 0 ? false : true
			return true

		set {
			guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
			let imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, UInt8) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setBordered:")
			let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("setBordered:"), newValue ? 1 : 0)

	public var isBezeled: Bool {
		get {
			let imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (UInt8))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "isBezeled")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("isBezeled")) {
				return rtn == 0 ? false : true
			return true

		set {
			guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
			let imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, UInt8) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setBezeled:")
			let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("setBezeled:"), newValue ? 1 : 0)

	public var drawsBackground: Bool {
		get {
			let imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL) -> (UInt8))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "drawsBackground")
			if let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("drawsBackground")) {
				return rtn == 0 ? false : true
			return true

		set {
			guard let selfPtr = self._nsobjptr else {return}
			let imp:  (@convention(c) (id, SEL, UInt8) -> (Void))? = objc_smart_getIMP(object: self, selector: "setDrawsBackground:")
			let rtn = imp?(&self._nsobjptr!.pointee, sel_getUid("setDrawsBackground:"), newValue ? 1 : 0)

この AppKit.swift をライブラリとして利用できるように、Package.swift を編集

// swift-tools-version: 5.8
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
	name: "HelloWorld",
	products: [
		// Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, making them visible to other packages.
			name: "HelloWorld",
			targets: ["HelloWorld"]),
			name: "NSWindowTest",
			targets: ["NSWindowTest"]),
		.library(name: "libobjc", targets: ["libobjc2"]),
		.library(name: "AppKitGNUStep", targets: ["AppKitGNUStep"]),
		.library(name: "FoundationGNUStep", targets: ["FoundationGNUStep"]),
		.library(name: "ObjCSwiftInterop",  targets: ["ObjCSwiftInterop"]),

		.library(name: "AppKit", targets: ["AppKit"]),
	targets: [
		// Targets are the basic building blocks of a package, defining a module or a test suite.
		// Targets can depend on other targets in this package and products from dependencies.
			name: "HelloWorld",
			dependencies: ["libobjc2", "AppKitGNUStep", "ObjCSwiftInterop", "FoundationGNUStep", "AppKit"]
          //resources: [.copy("Resources")]

			name: "NSWindowTest",
			dependencies: ["libobjc2", "AppKitGNUStep", "ObjCSwiftInterop", "FoundationGNUStep", "AppKit"]
			//resources: [.copy("Resources")]
		.target(name: "ObjCSwiftInterop"),

                                      name: "AppKit",
			dependencies: ["libobjc2", "AppKitGNUStep", "ObjCSwiftInterop", "FoundationGNUStep"]),
		.systemLibrary(name: "libobjc2"),
		.systemLibrary(name: "AppKitGNUStep"),
		.systemLibrary(name: "FoundationGNUStep"),

			name: "HelloWorldTests",
			dependencies: ["HelloWorld"]),

 products .library 文
 targets .executableTarget dependencies
 targets .target 文

NSWindowTest、HolloWorld の main.swift を以下のように編集します。

// The Swift Programming Language
import Foundation
import FoundationGNUStep
import libobjc2
import AppKitGNUStep
import ObjCSwiftInterop
import AppKit

struct App {
	static var window = NSWindow()
	static var window2 = NSWindow()

	//static var label = NSLabel()
	static var label = NSTextField()
	static var button = NSButton()

	static func main() {
		print("Hello World Times Two")

		//var poolClass = objc_getClass("NSAutoreleasePool")
		//var poolClassAllocated =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&objc_getClass("NSAutoreleasePool")!.pointee, sel_registerName("alloc"))
		//_ =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&poolClassAllocated!.pointee, sel_registerName("init"))

		let napClass =  objc_getClass("NSApplication")
		var sharedApp =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&napClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("sharedApplication"))
		App.window.orderFront(sender: nil)
		App.window.setBackgroundColor(NSColor(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 0.0, alpha: 0.5))

		App.label.frame = .init(x: 20, y: 20, width: 200, height: 32)
		App.label.setBackgroundColor(NSColor(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 0.0, alpha: 1.0))
		let image = NSImage.image(named: "Dummy")

		App.button.frame = .init(x: 50, y: 100, width: 100, height: 30)

		App.window2.orderFront(sender: nil)
		App.window2.setFrameOrigin(NSPoint(x: 300, y: 300))
		App.window2.setTitle(NSString(string: "Window 2"))


		return NSApplicationMain(CommandLine.argc, CommandLine.unsafeArgv.pointee)		

 1 App.label.frame = .init(x: 20, y: 20, width: 200, height: 32)
  この行がないと、TextField が表示されない。
 2 let image = NSImage.image(named: "Dummy")
  この行がないと、Button 生成でコアダンプが起きる。
  App.button の前に必要。


// The Swift Programming Language
import Foundation
import FoundationGNUStep
import libobjc2
import AppKitGNUStep
import ObjCSwiftInterop
import AppKit

class AppDelegate: NSApplicationDelegate {
	//lazy var window = NSWindow()
	//lazy var newWindow = NSWindow()
	lazy var window = NSWindow(CGRect(x: 150, y: 300, width: 550, height: 450))
	lazy var newWindow = NSWindow(CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 400, height: 400))
	lazy var button = NSButton()
	lazy var imageView = NSImageView()
	lazy var button2 = NSButton()
	lazy var button3 = NSButton()
	lazy var newWindowButton = NSButton()
	lazy var textField = NSTextField()
	lazy var image = NSImage.image(named: "Terminal.tiff")
	lazy var textField2 = NSTextField()
	lazy var view = UIView()
	override func applicationDidFinishLaunching(notification: Any?) {
		window.orderFront(sender: self)
		window.setTitle(NSString(string: "Hello Window"))

		view.frame = .init(x: 0, y: 0, width: 500, height: 450)

		newWindowButton.setTitle(NSString(string: "Show Window"))
		newWindowButton.frame = .init(x: 10, y: 22, width: 100, height: 32)
		newWindowButton.onAction = { button in
			self.newWindow.orderFront(sender: self)
		imageView.frame = .init(x: 340, y: 22, width: 32, height: 32)
		button.setTitle(NSString(string: "Get Frame"))
		button.frame = .init(x: 120, y: 22, width: 100, height: 32)
		button.onAction = { button in
			self.textField.stringValue = "\(self.view.frame)"
		button2.setTitle(NSString(string: "Set Other Window"))
		button2.frame = .init(x: 230, y: 22, width: 100, height: 32)
		button2.onAction = { button in
			//self.view.frame = .init(x: 0, y: 32, width: 300, height: 300)
		button3.frame = .init(x: 430, y: 22, width: 100, height: 32)
		button3.onAction = { button in
			//self.view.frame = .init(x: 0, y: 32, width: 300, height: 300)
		//textField.textColor = .init(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 0.0, alpha: 0.5)
		textField.textColor = .blue
		textField.isSelectable = false
		textField.isBordered = false
		textField.isBezeled = false
		textField.drawsBackground = false
		textField.frame = CGRect(x: 10, y: 100, width: 300, height: 32)
		//textField.text = "Click 'Get Frame'"
		textField.stringValue = "Click 'Get Frame'"
		textField.font = .boldSystemFontOfSize(size: 30)

		textField2.frame = CGRect(x: 10, y: 140, width: 300, height: 32)
		//textField2.text = "Some Cool Text"
		textField2.stringValue = "Some Cool Text"
		textField2.textColor = .white
		view.setBackgroundColor(.init(red: 1.0, green: 0.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 1.0))

struct App {
	//static var window = NSWindow()
	static var delegate = AppDelegate()
	//static var window2 = NSWindow()

	//static var label = NSTextField()
	static func main() {
		print("Hello World Times Two")


		//var poolClass = objc_getClass("NSAutoreleasePool")
		//var poolClassAllocated =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&objc_getClass("NSAutoreleasePool")!.pointee, sel_registerName("alloc"))
		//_ =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&poolClassAllocated!.pointee, sel_registerName("init"))

		let napClass =  objc_getClass("NSApplication")
		var sharedApp =  forSwift_objcSendMessage(&napClass!.pointee, sel_registerName("sharedApplication"))
		print("Just created NSApplication")
		let v = forSwift_objcSendMessage1ID(&sharedApp!.pointee, sel_getUid("setDelegate:"), delegate._nsobjptr!)
		print("made it!")


		return NSApplicationMain(CommandLine.argc, CommandLine.unsafeArgv.pointee)		

1 TextField や Button は frame 設定がないと表示されない。
2 TextField の文字は text では表示されない。stringValue を用いる。

これで準備が整ったので、NSWindowTest と HelloWorld を実行します。
 swift run NSWindowTest
 swift run HelloWorld
NSWindowTest は実行できますが、HelloWorld ではコアダンプが起きます。
これは、ビルドされた実行ファイルがある場所に、gorm ファイルを含むResources
この project site の最初に書いてあるように、Resources(NSWindowTest か HelloWorld のいずれか) を .build/debug にコピーします。(一度 swift run を実行しないと .build ディレクトリは作成されない。)今のところ、プログラムの中でコピーする方法が分かりません。

これで、 swift run を実行をすれば、正しく動作するはずです。
gorm ファイルのメニューも表示されます。

HolloWorld では、ボールドフォントのサイズ設定を行っています。
Lubuntu のシェルからの実行では、フォントが見つかりません。
/System/bin/startgsde を実行し、GWorkspace の Terminal から実行します。

Swift CairoGraphics

前回報告した GNUstep CoreGraphics は、「今更 GNUstep ?」感がありますので、同様な事を Swift で行ってみました。
Linux(Lubuntu 22.04) の Swift(v5.8) を使用しています。
(Swift のインストールは、UbuntuでSwiftの環境構築を行う方法を参照。
 バージョンは Ubuntu バージョンに揃えます。)

cairo ライブラリで描画した画像を、OpenGLで texture として描画します。
OpenGLglut ライブラリを用い、
Use a C library in Swift on Linux - Stack Overflow
cairo ライブラリは、
GitHub - smumriak/AppKid: UI toolkit for Linux in Swift. Powered by Vulkan
にあるCairoGraphics 関連を参照しました。

起動時の画面 (Draw Rects) とメニュー(右クリックで表示)

Draw Circles

Draw Paths

Draw Clip



TestCG ディレクトリで、swift package init --type executable を実行する。
CCairo 等の各 module は、ディレクトリを作り modulemap ファイルを作成する。


module CCairo [system] {
    module CairoXlib {
        header "/usr/include/cairo/cairo-xlib.h"
    module Cairo {
        header "/usr/include/cairo/cairo.h"
    link "cairo"
    export *


module CFreeGLUT [system] {
    header "/usr/include/GL/freeglut.h"
    link "glut"
    export *


module COpenGL [system] {
    header "/usr/include/GL/gl.h"
    link "GL"
    export *


module COpenGLU [system] {
    header "/usr/include/GL/glu.h"
    link "GLU"
    export *


// swift-tools-version: 5.8
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "TestCG",
    targets: [
        // Targets are the basic building blocks of a package, defining a module or a test suite.
        // Targets can depend on other targets in this package and products from dependencies.
            name: "TestCG",
            dependencies: ["COpenGL", "COpenGLU", "CFreeGLUT", "CCairo"],
            path: "Sources"),
            name: "COpenGL"),
            name: "COpenGLU"),
            name: "CFreeGLUT"),
            name: "CCairo"),


// The Swift Programming Language

//print("Hello, world!")
import COpenGL
import COpenGLU
import CFreeGLUT
import CCairo.Cairo
import Foundation

let width = 640
let height = 480
var drawFlag = 1

func drawRandomPaths(_ context: CGContext, _ width: CGFloat, _ height: CGFloat) -> Void {
   // Draw random paths (some stroked, some filled)
   for i in 0...19 {
      let numberOfSegments = Int.random(in: 0...7)
      let sx = CGFloat.random(in: 0...1) * width
      let sy = CGFloat.random(in: 0...1) * height
      context.move(to: CGPoint(
         x:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*width,
         y:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*height

      for j in 0...numberOfSegments {
         if (j % 2 == 0) {
            context.addLine(to: CGPoint(
               x:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*width,
               y:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*height
         else {
               to: CGPoint(
                  x:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*height,
                  y:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*height
               control1: CGPoint(
                  x:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*width,
                  y:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*height
               control2: CGPoint(
                  x:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*width,
                  y:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*height

      if (i % 2 == 0) {
            to: CGPoint(x:sx, y:sy),
            control1: CGPoint(
               x:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*width,
               y:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*height
            control2: CGPoint(
               x:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*width,
               y:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*height
         context.setColor( Double.random(in: 0...1), Double.random(in: 0...1),
            Double.random(in: 0...1),  Double.random(in: 0...1))
      else {
            context.lineWidth = CGFloat.random(in: 0...10) + 2
            context.setColor( Double.random(in: 0...1), Double.random(in: 0...1),
                Double.random(in: 0...1),  Double.random(in: 0...1))

func draw(_ context: CGContext, _ width: CGFloat, _ height: CGFloat) -> Void {
   // background
   context.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
   context.addRect(CGRect(x:0, y:0, width:width, height:height))

   switch (drawFlag) {
      case 1:
      // Draw random rects (some stroked, some filled)
      for i in 0...19 {
         if (i % 2 == 0) {
            context.setColor( Double.random(in: 0...1), Double.random(in: 0...1),
               Double.random(in: 0...1),  Double.random(in: 0...1))
               x:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*width,
               y:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*height,
               width:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*width,
               height:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*height))
         else {
            context.lineWidth = CGFloat.random(in: 0...10) + 2
            context.setColor( Double.random(in: 0...1), Double.random(in: 0...1),
               Double.random(in: 0...1),  Double.random(in: 0...1))
               x:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*width,
               y:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*height,
               width:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*width,
               height:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*height))

      case 2:
      // Draw random circles (some stroked, some filled)
      for i in 0...19 {
            center: CGPoint(x:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*CGFloat(width),
                            y:CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*CGFloat(height)),
            radius: CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)*((width>height) ? CGFloat(height) : CGFloat(width)),
            startAngle: 0, endAngle: 2*CGFloat.pi, clockwise: false)
         if (i % 2 == 0) {
            context.setColor( Double.random(in: 0...1), Double.random(in: 0...1),
               Double.random(in: 0...1),  Double.random(in: 0...1))
         else {
            context.lineWidth = CGFloat.random(in: 0...10) + 2
            context.setColor( Double.random(in: 0...1), Double.random(in: 0...1),
               Double.random(in: 0...1),  Double.random(in: 0...1))

      case 3:
      // Draw random paths (some stroked, some filled)
      drawRandomPaths(context, width, height)

      case 4:
      // Cliped: Draw random paths (some stroked, some filled)
         center: CGPoint(x:width/2, y:height/2),
         radius: (width>height) ? height/2 : width/2,
         startAngle: 0, endAngle: 2*CGFloat.pi, clockwise: false)

      drawRandomPaths(context, width, height)

      context.lineWidth = 1
      context.setColor(0, 0, 0, 1)


// Menu
func showMenuItem(_ val: Int32) {
   switch (val) {
      case 1:
         drawFlag = 1
      case 2:
         drawFlag = 2
      case 3:
         drawFlag = 3
      case 4:
         drawFlag = 4
      case 999:

func setupMenus() {

   glutAddMenuEntry("Draw Rects", 1)
   glutAddMenuEntry("Draw Circles", 2)
   glutAddMenuEntry("Draw Paths", 3)
   glutAddMenuEntry("Draw Clip", 4)
   glutAddMenuEntry("Exit", 999)


func display() {
   let cs = cairo_image_surface_create( CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, Int32(width), Int32(height) )
   let c = CGContext(surface: cs, width: width, height: height)

   // draw
   draw(c, CGFloat(width), CGFloat(height))

   var _texture: GLuint = 0
   glGenTextures(1, &_texture);
   glBindTexture(UInt32(GL_TEXTURE_2D), _texture);
   glPixelStorei(UInt32(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT), 1);

   let data = cairo_image_surface_get_data(cs);
   gluBuild2DMipmaps(UInt32(GL_TEXTURE_2D), Int32(GL_RGBA), Int32(width), Int32(height), UInt32(GL_RGBA), UInt32(GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), data);
   glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
   glOrtho(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0)
   glBindTexture(UInt32(GL_TEXTURE_2D), _texture);

      glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0);
      glVertex2f(-1.0, -1.0);

      glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);
      glVertex2f(-1.0, 1.0);

      glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0);
      glVertex2f(1.0, 1.0);

      glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0);
      glVertex2f(1.0, -1.0);


var localArgc = CommandLine.argc
glutInit(&localArgc, CommandLine.unsafeArgv)
glutInitDisplayMode(UInt32(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB))
glutInitWindowPosition(80, 80)
glutInitWindowSize(Int32(width), Int32(height))



// The Swift Programming Language
//  CGContext.swift
//  CairoGraphics
//  Created by Serhii Mumriak on 03.02.2020.

import Foundation
import CCairo.Cairo

open class CGContext {
    public var surface: Optional<OpaquePointer>
    public var context: Optional<OpaquePointer>
    public internal(set) var height: Int = 0
    public internal(set) var width: Int = 0

    public init(surface: Optional<OpaquePointer>, width: Int, height: Int) {
        self.context = cairo_create(surface)
        self.surface = surface
        self.width = width
        self.height = height

public extension CGContext {
    func flush() {

public extension CGContext {
    func beginPath() {
    func closePath() {
    var currentPointOfPath: CGPoint {
        var x: Double = .zero
        var y: Double = .zero
        cairo_get_current_point(context, &x, &y)
        return CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
    var boundingBoxOfPath: CGRect {
        var x1: Double = .zero
        var y1: Double = .zero
        var x2: Double = .zero
        var y2: Double = .zero
        cairo_path_extents(context, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2)
        if x1.isZero && y1.isZero && x2.isZero && y2.isZero {
            return .null
        } else {
            return CGRect(x: min(x1, x2), y: min(y1, y2), width: max(x1, x2) - min(x1, x2), height: max(y1, y2) - min(y1, y2))

public extension CGContext {
    func move(to point: CGPoint) {
        cairo_move_to(context, Double(point.x), Double(point.y))
    func addLine(to point: CGPoint) {
        cairo_line_to(context, Double(point.x), Double(point.y))
    func addRect(_ rect: CGRect) {
        cairo_rectangle(context, Double(rect.origin.x), Double(rect.origin.y), Double(rect.width), Double(rect.height))
    func addCurve(to end: CGPoint, control1: CGPoint, control2: CGPoint) {
                       Double(control1.x), Double(control1.y),
                       Double(control2.x), Double(control2.y),
                       Double(end.x), Double(end.y))
    func addQuadCurve(to end: CGPoint, control: CGPoint) {
        let current = currentPointOfPath
        let control1 = CGPoint(x: (current.x / 3.0) + (2.0 * control.x / 3.0), y: (current.y / 3.0) + (2.0 * control.y / 3.0))
        let control2 = CGPoint(x: (2.0 * control.x / 3.0) + (end.x / 3.0), y: (2.0 * control.y / 3.0) + (end.y / 3.0))
        addCurve(to: end, control1: control1, control2: control2)
    func addLines(between points: [CGPoint]) {
        if points.count == 0 { return }
        move(to: points[0])
        for i in 1..<points.count {
            addLine(to: points[i])
    func addRects(_ rects: [CGRect]) {
        for rect in rects {
    func addArc(center: CGPoint, radius: CGFloat, startAngle: CGFloat, endAngle: CGFloat, clockwise: Bool) {
        if clockwise {
            cairo_arc_negative(context, Double(center.x), Double(center.y), Double(radius), Double(startAngle), Double(endAngle))
        } else {
            cairo_arc(context, Double(center.x), Double(center.y), Double(radius), Double(startAngle), Double(endAngle))

public extension CGContext {
    func fillPath() {

    func clip() {
    func resetClip() {
    func strokePath() {

public extension CGContext {
    func fill(_ rect: CGRect) {
    func stroke(_ rect: CGRect) {

public extension CGContext {
    func setColor(_ r:Double, _ g:Double, _ b:Double, _ a:Double) {
        cairo_set_source_rgba(context, r, g, b, a);
    var lineWidth: CGFloat {
        get {
            return CGFloat(cairo_get_line_width(context))
        set {
            cairo_set_line_width(context, Double(newValue))

GNUstep CoreGraphics (2)

前回報告した ProjectCenter を使って作成した CoreGraphics のプログラムです。

起動時の画面 (Draw1)

Draw2(メニューから Draw → Draw2 を選択)





#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#import "QEB2OpenGLView.h"

@interface AppController : NSObject
    NSWindow *window;
    QEB2OpenGLView * openGLView;

+ (void)  initialize;

- (id) init;
- (void) dealloc;

- (void) awakeFromNib;

- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *)aNotif;
- (BOOL) applicationShouldTerminate: (id)sender;
- (void) applicationWillTerminate: (NSNotification *)aNotif;
- (BOOL) application: (NSApplication *)application
              openFile: (NSString *)fileName;

- (void) showPrefPanel: (id)sender;
- (void) drawAction1: (id)sender;
- (void) drawAction2: (id)sender;
- (void) drawAction3: (id)sender;
- (void) drawAction4: (id)sender;



QEB2OpenGLView.h (新しく生成)

#import <GL/gl.h>
#import <GL/glu.h>
#import <cairo/cairo.h>

#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>

@interface QEB2OpenGLView : NSOpenGLView
   cairo_surface_t * _cairoSurface;
   CGContextRef _opalContext;
   GLuint _texture;
   CGRect rootRect;

- (void) draw1;
- (void) draw2;
- (void) draw3;
- (void) draw4;
- (void) reDraw;
- (void) clearContextWithRect:(CGRect)rect;


#import "AppController.h"

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>

@implementation AppController

+ (void) initialize
   NSMutableDictionary *defaults = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];

    * Register your app's defaults here by adding objects to the
    * dictionary, eg
    * [defaults setObject:anObject forKey:keyForThatObject];
   [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults: defaults];
   [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];

- (id) init
   if ((self = [super init]))
      return self;

- (void) dealloc
   RELEASE (openGLView);
   RELEASE (window);
   [super dealloc];

- (void) awakeFromNib

- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *)aNotif
   openGLView = [[QEB2OpenGLView alloc]
               initWithFrame: [[window contentView] frame]
                   pixelFormat: [QEB2OpenGLView defaultPixelFormat]];
   [window setContentView: openGLView];
   [openGLView reDraw];

- (BOOL) applicationShouldTerminate: (id)sender
   return YES;

- (void) applicationWillTerminate: (NSNotification *)aNotif

- (BOOL) application: (NSApplication *)application
       	      openFile: (NSString *)fileName
   return NO;

- (void) showPrefPanel: (id)sender

- (void) drawAction1: (id)sender
   [openGLView draw1];

- (void) drawAction2: (id)sender
   [openGLView draw2];

- (void) drawAction3: (id)sender
   [openGLView draw3];

- (void) drawAction4: (id)sender
   [openGLView draw4];


QEB2OpenGLView.m (新しく生成)

#import "QEB2OpenGLView.h"


#define PI 3.14159265358979323846

CGContextRef opal_new_CGContext(cairo_surface_t *target, CGSize device_size);

void drawRandomPaths(CGContextRef context, int w, int h)
   for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
      int numberOfSegments = rand() % 8;
      int j;
      CGFloat sx, sy;
      sx = rand()%w; sy = rand()%h;
      CGContextMoveToPoint(context, rand()%w, rand()%h);
      for (j = 0; j < numberOfSegments; j++) {
         if (j % 2) {
            CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, rand()%w, rand()%h);
         else {
            CGContextAddCurveToPoint(context, rand()%w, rand()%h,  
               rand()%w, rand()%h,  rand()%h, rand()%h);
      if(i % 2) {
         CGContextAddCurveToPoint(context, rand()%w, rand()%h,
            rand()%w, rand()%h,  sx, sy);
         CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, 
            (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, 
      else {
         CGContextSetLineWidth(context, (rand()%10)+2);
         CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, 
            (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, 

@implementation QEB2OpenGLView

- (void) draw1
   NSLog(@"GLView draw1");
   [self clearContextWithRect:rootRect];
   int width  = rootRect.size.width;
   int height = rootRect.size.height;
   for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
      if(i % 2) {
         CGContextSetRGBFillColor(_opalContext, (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, 
            (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, 
         CGContextFillRect(_opalContext, CGRectMake(rand()%width,
            rand()%height, rand()%width, rand()%height));
      else {
         CGContextSetLineWidth(_opalContext, (rand()%10)+2);
            CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(_opalContext, (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, 
            (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, 
         CGContextStrokeRect(_opalContext, CGRectMake(rand()%width,
            rand()%height, rand()%width, rand()%height));

   [self reDraw];

- (void) draw2
   NSLog(@"GLView draw2");
   [self clearContextWithRect:rootRect];
   int width  = rootRect.size.width;
   int height = rootRect.size.height;
   // Draw random circles (some stroked, some filled)
   for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
      CGContextAddArc(_opalContext, rand()%width, rand()%height,
         rand()%((width>height) ? height : width), 0, 2*PI, 0);

      if(i % 2) {
            (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255,
            (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255);
      else {
         CGContextSetLineWidth(_opalContext, (rand()%10)+2);
            (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255,
            (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255);
   [self reDraw];

- (void) draw3
   NSLog(@"GLView draw3");
  [self clearContextWithRect:rootRect];
   drawRandomPaths(_opalContext, rootRect.size.width,
   [self reDraw];

- (void) draw4
   NSLog(@"GLView draw4");
   [self clearContextWithRect:rootRect];
   int width  = rootRect.size.width;
   int height = rootRect.size.height;
   /* Clipping example - draw random path through a circular clip */
   CGContextAddArc(_opalContext, width/2, height/2,
      ((width>height) ? height : width)/2, 0, 2*PI, 0);
   // Draw something into the clip
   drawRandomPaths(_opalContext, width, height);
   // Draw an clip path on top as a black stroked circle.
   CGContextAddArc(_opalContext, width/2, height/2,
      ((width>height) ? height : width)/2, 0, 2*PI, 0);
   CGContextSetLineWidth(_opalContext, 1);
   CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(_opalContext, 0, 0, 0, 1);
   [self reDraw];

-(void) reDraw
   [self reshape];

- (void) clearContextWithRect:(CGRect)rect
   CGContextSetRGBFillColor(_opalContext, 1, 1, 1, 1);
   CGContextFillRect(_opalContext, rect);

- (void) prepareOpenGL
   [super prepareOpenGL];
   int width  = [self frame].size.width;
   int height = [self frame].size.height;

   _cairoSurface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height);
   _opalContext = opal_new_CGContext(_cairoSurface, CGSizeMake(width, height));
   /* Draw some content into the context */
   rootRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, width, height);
   [self clearContextWithRect:rootRect];
   // Draw random rectangles (some stroked some filled)
   for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
      if(i % 2) {
         CGContextSetRGBFillColor(_opalContext, (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, 
            (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, 
         CGContextFillRect(_opalContext, CGRectMake(rand()%width,
            rand()%height, rand()%width, rand()%height));
      else {
         CGContextSetLineWidth(_opalContext, (rand()%10)+2);
            CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(_opalContext, (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, 
            (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, (CGFloat)(rand()%256)/255, 
         CGContextStrokeRect(_opalContext, CGRectMake(rand()%width,
            rand()%height, rand()%width, rand()%height));

- (void) dealloc

   [super dealloc];

-(void) reshape
   NSRect rect = [self bounds];
   glViewport(0, 0, rect.size.width, rect.size.height);
   gluPerspective(60.0, rect.size.width/rect.size.height, 0.2, 7);

   [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];

- (void) drawRect: (NSRect)r
   [[self openGLContext] makeCurrentContext];
   int width = [self frame].size.width;
   int height = [self frame].size.height;
   glGenTextures(1, &_texture);
   glBindTexture(TEXTURE_TARGET, _texture);
   glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
   unsigned char * data = cairo_image_surface_get_data(_cairoSurface);
   gluBuild2DMipmaps(TEXTURE_TARGET, GL_RGBA, width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
   glViewport(0, 0, [self frame].size.width, [self frame].size.height);


   glBindTexture(TEXTURE_TARGET, _texture);

   glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0);
   glVertex2f(-1.0, -1.0);

   glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);
   glVertex2f(-1.0, 1.0);

   glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0);
   glVertex2f(1.0, 1.0);

   glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0);
   glVertex2f(1.0, -1.0);

   [[self openGLContext] flushBuffer];


Supporting Files

# Additional flags to pass to Objective C compiler

# Additional flags to pass to C compiler

# Additional GUI libraries to link
ADDITIONAL_GUI_LIBS += -lm -lGL -lGLU -lopal -lcairo


ProjectCenter と Gorm によるプログラム作成
1 ProjectCenter でプロジェクトを作成
 Project Types は Application を選択
 [Main Menu] が表示される。
2 window を追加
 Interfaces の (プロジェクト名).gorm をダブルクリック
 Gorm が起動する。
 Gorm のControls window -> Windows から [Window] を
 Resources window の Objects にドロップ
 Window(0) インスタンスが生成される。
 size, attributes (Visual at launch をチェック)を設定する。

 Gorm メインメニュー -> Document -> Save

 AppController と Window の接続
 Window の View の設定は AppController で行うので、AppController と
 Window を接続する。
(1)AppController Outlet の作成
  (作成した Outlet 名が winsow instance の名前になる、Action は要らない)
  Resources window の Classes で、NSObject -> AppController を選択
  Inspector window の Outlet add ボタンで作成(Outlet名: window)
 (AppController が表示されていない場合は、下のスクロールバーを
  Resources window の Objects で、 AppController(S) から Window(0)(T) に接続
  Inspector window で、Outlet window を選択し接続[Connect] する。

3 Draw menu の追加
 interfaces の gorm file をダブルクリックし、 Gorm を起動
 ・[Main Menu](作成プログラムのメニュー)に [Submenu] を追加
  Controls window -> Menus から、 [Submenu>] を [Main Menu] の目的の
  [Submanu] が追加され、メニューに [item] が1個できる。
  Item 名を変更する。(Draw1 など)
  ( 2つ目い以降は、 Menus の [item] をドッラグして追加する)
 ・Outlet/Action の追加と接続
  [Submenu] のコントロールは AppController で行うようにするので、
  [Submenu] を AppController に接続する。
  *Outlet/Action の追加
  AppController に
   Outlet: draw1, draw2, draw3, draw4
   Action: drawAction1:, drawAction2:, drawAction3:, drawAction4
  [Main Menu] の Draw1(draw1) を AppController(drawAction1:) に接続
  接続方法は window の場合と同様。(残りのメニューも同様に接続する)

4 プログラムの生成と編集
 QEB2OpenGLView.h, QEB2OpenGLView.m の生成と編集
 (新しく作成したクラスファイルのプロジェクトへの追加は、Classes を
  選択しメニューから Project -> Add Files を実行する。)
 AppController.h, AppController.m の編集
 GNUmakefile.preamble の編集

GNUstep CoreGraphics (1)

今回は、ブログタイトルから離れて、GNUstep について書いています。

最近 GNUstepObjective-C についての記事が、2、3報告されています。
今更のObjective-C | 貯え 小道具 興味ない?
M1 Mac-Ubuntu20.04でGNUstep | 貯え 小道具 興味ない?
GNUstepをWindowsで試すならWSLを使う-Ubuntu 20.04 LTS+WSL2へのインストール - Technically Impossible

当方 2007年に「GNUstep 入門」(ふくろう出版、友野印刷)を出版しています。
Objective-C プログラミングや ProjectCenter、Gorm の使用方法について記してい

GNUstep は、それ以降もライブラリの追加やアップデートが行われています。
今回は、CoreGraphics(libs-opal) について調べてみました。
CoreGraphics による描画

ProjectCenter を使ってプログラムの編集、ビルド、実行を行っています。

OSは Lubuntu22.04 Linux を使用しています。GNUstep のベースシステムは
Lubuntu の repo からインストールします。
・make, gnustep-make, gcc, gobjc などの build tools
・ProjectCenter, Gorm のプログラミングツール

スタートアップメニューの設定から System Preferences を起動し、Preferences
最初は、gnustep default の DejaVuSansMono を選択し、その後
NotoSans CJK jp Regular等(Lubuntu の日本語フォント)に変更する。

*CoreGraphics(libs-opal)、CoreFoundation(libs-corebase, 依存ライブラリ) の
libs-corebase とlibs-opalはバイナリーが無いので、ソースからビルドし
インストールします。ソースはGNUstepGithub からダウンロードします。
 1依存ライブラリ libicu-dev をインストール(lubuntu repo から)
 4sudo make install

 1依存ライブラリ libfontconfig-dev、libcairo2-dev、liblcms2-dev、
   libjpeg-turbo8-dev、libtiff-devをインストール(lubuntu repo から)
 3sudo make install
 libファイル は /usr/local/lib にインストールされるので、
  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

 libs-opal では、XWindow に表示するようになっています。これをNSWindow に
 表示するため、libs-QuartzCore を利用します。NSOpenGLView に表示
 1依存ライブラリ libgl-dev、libglu1-mesa-devをインストール
  (lubuntu repo から)
 2Tests の make で、cairo reference error が出るので、
  Tests/GNUmakefile の ADDITIONAL_TOOL_LIBS に -lcairo を追加
 4sudo make install

*ProjectCenter のビルドとインストール
CoreGraphics では gnustep 以外に OpenGL、opal、cairo等のライブラリも使用します。これらが利用出来るように、プログラムのビルド時にGNUmakefile.preamble
  ADDITIONAL_GUI_LIBS += -lm -lGL -lGLU -lopal -lcairo

しかし、1つ問題があります。ProjectCenter では、プロジェクトの保存や
再オープン時に GNUmakefile.preamble に設定した内容が、リセット されます。
これを避けるため、ProjectCenter のソースファイルを修正しインストールします。
ソース(apps-projectcenter)はGNUstepGithub からダウンロードします。(バージョンは 0.7)
Modules/Projects にある各Projectの PC(Project名).m を修正する。
writeMakefile メソッド内の [mf createPreambleForProject:self] を
createProjectAt メソッド内に移動し、
[[PCMakefileFactory sharedFactory] createPreambleForProject:self];
 sudo make install


Babylon.js WebGPU Cloth Simulation (3)

前々回アップした、XPBD(extended position-based dynamics) による Cloth シミュレーションの解説です。今回はマウス操作について説明しています。


cloth の上でマウスをクリックしドラッグすると、cloth が引っ張られた状態になります。

1 mouse down
 mesh 上をマウスでクリックして、クリックされた mesh の index や位置情報を取得する。mesh 情報の取得には、Babylon.js の raycast 機能を使用する。

 Scene の onPointerDown property は、scene 上をマウスでクリックすると、
IPointerEvent, PickingInfo, PointerEventTypes パラメータを持つコールバックを

   scene.onPointerDown = function (event, pickInfo){
       //console.log(“mouseDown pickInfo", pickInfo.hit);
      if (pickInfo.hit == true) {
         //console.log(“mouseDown pickInfo id",;
         //console.log(“mouseDown pickInfo faceId", pickInfo.faceId);

event が IPointerEvent に、pickInfo が PickingInfo に相当する。PointerEventTypes は使用していない。マウスクリックが起こると、function 内の処理が実行される。

 mesh の情報は、pickInfo から得られる。マウスをクリックすると、クリック位置から画面に垂直奥方向に ray が発せられる。そこに mesh があれば、pickInfo.hit が true になる。true の場合は、
 pickInfo.pickedMesh: ray が当たった mesh data
 pickInfo.faceId: ray が当たった mesh の face(triangle)番号
 pickInfo.pickedPoint: mesh 上で ray が当たった位置
ray の情報も得られる。
 pickInfo.ray.origin:クリックした mouse の位置
 pickInfo.ray.direction:ray の方向ベクトル
ray の情報は、mesh が無い場合でも得られる。

 mouse down をしたとき、以下の処理を行う。

  1. クリックした位置(下図の {\bf{p}}_1)に対応する mesh 上の位置(下図の {\bf{p}})と、mesh index を取得し、その mesh point の position に設定する。
  2. mouse drag 中に mesh が移動しないように、カメラコントロールをオフにする。

 mesh の vertex point の position 設定は、以下のように行なっている。
・mesh 上の位置の取得

 {\bf{p}}_1 の座標(マウスポインターの座標)は ray.origin、
 {\bf{p}} の座標(対応する mesh 上の座標)は pickInfo.pickedPoint、
から得られる。 O はウィンドウの原点である。

・mesh index の取得
 mesh の拡大図

 {\bf{p}} のある triangle の face 番号は、pickInfo.faceId から得られる。
 {\bf{p}} と triangle の座標  {\bf{x}_1} ,  {\bf{x}_2} ,  {\bf{x}_3} との距離が最小となる index を見つけ、それを grabId とする。
これを行なっている部分が、Grabber.start(pickInfo) である。

 次に、 {\bf{p}} を uniform data、grabId を grabIdBuffer data として compute shader startGrab に送り、ここで grabId の point の invMass を 0(重力の影響を受けない)、position を  {\bf{p}} に設定する。
これを行なっている部分が、this.physicsObject.startGrab(pos) である。
this.physicsObject には、Cloth が設定されている。

2 mouse move
 mouse move した時の処理は、scene.onPointerMove で行う。
この場合は、pickInfo.hit は常に false の状態である。移動後の mesh point の座標は、ray 情報から得る。

mouse move した様子

drag したマウスポインターの座標 は、pickInfo.ray.origin から得られる。
マウスポインターの移動に対応した mesh point の座標  {\bf{p}} は、以下のようにする。
 {\bf{p}} = {\bf{p}}_1 + {\bf{d}}
 {\bf{d}} = pickInfo.ray.direction x distance
distance : mouse down 時の マウスポインターと mesh との距離(this.distance = pickInfo.distance)
これを行なっている部分が、Grabber.move(pickInfo) である。

次に、移動後の mesh point の座標  {\bf{p}} を、uniform data として compute shader moveGrabbed に送り、grabId の point の position を  {\bf{p}} に設定する。
これを行なっている部分が、Cloth.moveGrabbed(pos, vel) である。(vel は使用していない。)

また、Grabber.move(pickInfo)では、mesh point の速度(this.vel)の計算も行なっている。

3 mouse up
 drag を終了し mouse up を行うと、以下の処理をする。(scene.onPointerUP)

1 compute shader で、grab された mesh point の vel、invMass を設定する。      (this.physicsObject.endGrab(this,prevPos, this.vel) の部分)
 mouse move で計算した mesh point の速度 vel(this.vel) を uniform data として
 compute shader endGrab に送り、grabId の point の velocity を vel に設定
 また、grabId の point の invMass (0 に設定されている) を元の
 invMass (grabInvMass) に戻す。
 その後、grabId を初期値(-1)に戻す。
2 this,physicsObject を null にする。
3 カメラコントロールをオン(camera.attachControl true)にする。