Goodbye Flipnote Hatena!

Dear Flipnote Hatena Staff, Friends, Fans, and everyone,

Thanks for all these wonderful years on Flipnote Hatena. I have so some things to say before Flipnote Hatena disappears. First...thank you. Flipnote Hatena brought me so many joy. It was the best place to express your creativity and practice your aminating skills. Not only that, but you could meet so many people who can become your friends and share your creations with them. I am truly grateful to have met all my wonderful friends who encouraged me through all these years. They are amazing, and I never would have met them without Flipnote Hatena. Also, I will miss it dearly. Not having Flipnote Hatena on my side is hard to think of. I'll never forget the times I had. I'm also pretty sure Flipnote Gallery: World will be much different than Flipnote Hatena. Now I think theres ratings now, no more stars. Also I'm asuming theres no Colour Star Exchange either. I'll miss getting Creator Room themes. But now, as they say, good things always come to an end. Now it's time to say farewell to Flipnote Hatena, but it will always stay in our memories, forever. It's been a long time since Flipnote Hatena has been around, 2008 to be exact. It's time for it to go, and let time pass on. Many hearts will be broken, but then you must relize that you were fortunate enough to even be able to be on such a wonderful community. You should be grateful that you got to meet those friends, and remember a good friend never goes. So, goodbye Flipnote Hatena, thanks for the memories, and have a great life. I'll never forget Flipnote Hatena and everyone Flipnote Hatena member. Thank you!
