
impression of reading books including economics, psychology, sociology, and law.

I'm so sad about massacre at a gay bar in Orlando.

The case make me sad.


A event like this massacre lead many people to aprove a heavy punishment. Although I undesrand thier feeling, I do not agree to this idea. I think people who aprove a heavy punishment distinglish a criminal from themself. 


We may well turn to crime. Even if we dislike to commit a crime, our home environments

and our economic conditions are likely to make us a criminal.


I cite reference The asahi shimbun's article. Hiroki Manabe, the head of New York branch office, point out three American dividing in this terrorism.

First, American society has dividing about immigrants and Muslims.  The suspect's parent immigrated from Afghanistan to America. When the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001, he was teenager. Manabe think he felt anti-islamic trend like the american armed foces' invading parent's mother country. This feelings in his boyhood is likely to have bad effects on him today.

Second,  >>>>>>To be continued